Friday, October 29, 2010

Charity Water: Gives Back!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of iNetVideo. All opinions are 100% mine.

It's a rainy day here in U.S. I'm so grateful for the rain because it's good for our garden the trees, bushes and lawn as well. Also it is very important at this time of the year to water deeply before the temperature drops below freezing. I always say we live in a little Garden of Eden. We have no severe droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes or flooding. The water we have coming into our homes is clean and safe even if a little hard. And we also have local springs that you can get spring water for free. Just bring your gallon bottles full them up and bring them home.

Safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights, Right now, voicing deep concern that almost 900 million people worldwide do not have access to clean water.

One of my favorite organizations working on this issue is Charity Water. Check out their website for things you can do to ensure access to clean and safe water. Charity Water is a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. We use 100% of public donations to directly fund sustainable water solutions in areas of greatest need. Just $20 can give one person clean water for 20 years.


We can help by purchasing items at iNetVideo or donating directly to their water project campaign. We can help charity: water build a freshwater well in a village and provide 250+ people with clean drinking water.

Every month, iNetVideo will select various items that will display the Water Drop icon. For every Charity approved item sold, will donate $1 to the water project.

Visit my sponsor: Charity Water: Gives Back!

Ways to look younger than your age

Young people wants to look mature. While mature people wants to look young. I think it'll always be like that. Lol.

Here are some ways to look younger than your age:

  • Get an extra hour of sleep each night.
  • A woman's hands look younger when she wears rings and nail polish. (I didn't know that.)
  • Protect your neck. The neck is actually more prone to aging than the face.
  • Perfect your skin with foundation.
  • Bring youthful volume back to your hair.
  • Keep those pearly whites white.
  • Manage those dark circles under your eyes.
  • Hit the gym or take a walk.
  • For adult should sleep about 8 hours per day, if you sleep only 6 hours at night then you should have some nap time during the day.
  • Use natural products for your face and body to keep skin look young and less wrinkles.
  • Exercise at least 15 - 30 minutes per day.
  • Drink 8 cups of water per day.
  • Avoid drink an alcohol.
  • Relax and have some fun.
  • Think good.
  • Do meditation, if you can do meditation every day you will see a big result.
  • don't forget to watch make up from your face before you are going to bed.

But if you want to look older is so easy, just do everythings opposite from the above tips and you will look older within a few weeks or a few months. But if you sleep only 4 hours every night you will see that you look older within a week.

Can you share some tips as well?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Lately one of my friends(not a close guy but i felt he wasn't worth telling such words about me) gave me a very very nasty insult in front of the whole class. I was too depressed with his words that my eyes were filled. Words cam rushing to the tip of my tongue but someway i managed not to speak and left the class in silence putting my head down. I felt better after sometime but, i again felt a fury in me when i saw him again. I almost felt the pulses of my heart, every word he said was ringing in my ears like he had just mentioned them. Only then i thought i should have shed my anger out there at the very instant i wanted too.

How about you, do you walk away in silence and later feel angry on him or do you throw your anger on him on the very instant he insulted you?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

motor trade insurance

The Autonet Insurance Group, has an ever growing reputation for providing low cost, high quality van insurance throughout the UK. Our resources and excellent relationships with our van insurance panel enable us to add genuine value that goes beyond product supply to create an unmatched customer experience.

We are one of the country's largest independently owned van insurance brokers and have formed excellent relationships with many of the UK's leading van insurance companies. Every policy is individually tailored to match the requirements of the policyholder. As you input your information on-line, we immediately build a full van insurance policy to suit you at the lowest rate possible, we offer our cheapest price whilst maximising cover. We constantly check prices using our advanced computer systems and a range of quote checking facilities, so that you always get the most competitive rates on the van insurance market. We also offer a full money back guarantee, if you take out a van insurance policy with ourselves and find a cheaper quotation with the same level of cover we offer a full refund of any premium paid. When you choose Autonet Van Insurance to insure your van, you really are in safe hands! Autonet Van insurance from van insurance experts.

They also has an motor trade insurance... pls. check it out!

Free TV

There is a wonderful quantity of Free TV online. Spreety provides easy to navigate TV links to the highest quality, legal entertainment choices, including popular online TV shows, classic TV shows, music videos, news, online sports, and free movies online.

Spreety has a free newsletter, a weekly iTunes giveaway, an online TV blog, and a toolbar. There is no obligation, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I think one of the main reasons why people tend to lie about their lives is insecurity. Especially in the case of old friends who haven't seen each other in a long time. Sometimes the image of their old friends that's embedded in their minds was from years ago and then when they finally meet up, they're surprised at how successful or 'changed' their old friends are and when they try to look at themselves and see what they've become, sadly they realize that they're not quite as successful as their friends and they become insecure so they make up stories to somehow 'level up' to their friends.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Protect your baby's future

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of CryoCell International. All opinions are 100% mine.

Umblilical Cord Blood Banking is not something most new mothers think about. Is this a topic you need to worry about? How do I do it? Where does it go?

Let's start with: What is it? Cord blood is the blood that comes from the umbilical cord of a baby that has just been born. Cord blood contains a form of stem cells that are very new cells and are not designed to function in any specific way.

Cryo-Cell International, Inc. concluded that cord blood is a safe and effective treatment of over 75 diseases, and have been used in over 12,000 transplants worldwide. Cryo-Cell is the industry's family cord bank leader with more quality accreditations than any private cord blood bank.

Do I need to do this? If you have a family history of leukemia, lymphoma, sickle-cell anemia, or severe combined immune deficiency, you may want to think about this seriously. Your child and possibly other family members can benefit from the cord blood. If your family history is pretty clean, you may choose to donate your babies cord blood to unrelated persons as a gift in your child's name.

Come to think about it, Cryo-Cell and C'elle are both very meaningful gifts to be given away to those who you care about. To know more about this service, more information can be found here:

Visit my sponsor: Protect your baby's future

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How has life changed after marriage?

I was wondering about the stuffs that my sisters used to do before marriage and how they have their priorities changed over the years. Most people grow and shift their focus, they have to for whatever reasons. If you ask me, it would be difficult to manage hours of internet time, me-time, the rendezvous with myself that get me going. But we lose some, we gain some. That is how life is!

from the perspective of a whole lot of friends who I have seen undergo a change.

As you have put it Mimi, the me-time in all respects internet,interests, lazing around all changes to quite an extent. It does not all stop, but gets considerably reduced. It changes to we-time.

Another thing I've noticed a distinct change are in basic habits, cleanliness, dressing sense. Guys I've know loved to be shabbily dressed, unshaven, room in a mess. All that has changed.

Some used to enjoy socializing, partying by themselves and with friends. It's changed to going about it as a couple or totally stopped.

While there is an equal acceptance on one side for change for the better, there are some who miss the single days. Some who longed to get married, now miss the things that they enjoyed being single and some who are single still, wonder at the the things that they should be enjoying together. Their thinking is always been that the grass is greener on the other side. But it's individual experience i guess, depending on the nature of the person and how they adapt to the concept of being in a relationship or married.

How has life changed after marriage or after being in a relationship? Do you miss things that you got to enjoy being single?