Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What is Cloud Computing?

Technology has once again done its best to ease our everyday existence.

It is such a great help for technology to have come up with cloud computing because this covers speed in communication as well as transactions in an advancing environment. It rears one to benefit more on services than the actual buying of licence and installation of a software. Besides the advantages of having a remote storage for data, it is comprehensive enough to support the virtual needs of people depending on the internet to accomplish their tasks fast and efficiently.

Cloud computing is simply our everyday use of computers to access Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or Skype. We need not to undergo the difficulties of installing a software in order to have these services, all we need is an internet connection and a hardware (computer). The software we are using to send emails or other documents are within the scope of the ISP or the internet service provider. They provide the cloud which is practically the internet, and all subscribers have to do is just enjoy logging into it and avail of the services.

It provides assistance for applications, storage and connectivity. One example is if one needs a software for editing pictures all it takes is to browse and download. The same goes with storage, if you need all your pictures to be remotely stored, there are sites that offer this type of assistance like the and connectivity is just along the corner as long as you have the right utilities running at your place.


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