Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What is Cloud Computing?

Technology has once again done its best to ease our everyday existence.

It is such a great help for technology to have come up with cloud computing because this covers speed in communication as well as transactions in an advancing environment. It rears one to benefit more on services than the actual buying of licence and installation of a software. Besides the advantages of having a remote storage for data, it is comprehensive enough to support the virtual needs of people depending on the internet to accomplish their tasks fast and efficiently.

Cloud computing is simply our everyday use of computers to access Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or Skype. We need not to undergo the difficulties of installing a software in order to have these services, all we need is an internet connection and a hardware (computer). The software we are using to send emails or other documents are within the scope of the ISP or the internet service provider. They provide the cloud which is practically the internet, and all subscribers have to do is just enjoy logging into it and avail of the services.

It provides assistance for applications, storage and connectivity. One example is if one needs a software for editing pictures all it takes is to browse and download. The same goes with storage, if you need all your pictures to be remotely stored, there are sites that offer this type of assistance like the and connectivity is just along the corner as long as you have the right utilities running at your place.

Kia Rio and Spotify: Best Songs with your Windows Down!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kia Rio for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Summer is around the corner. Not long to wait now boys and girls. The sun has stopped playing hid and seeks and is now out to join us for spring/summer. I literally can not wait – I’m dreaming, hoping, and wishing for summer. I can’t wait to drive around with the windows down, enjoying the warm weather and blasting your tunes.


Kia Rio and Spotify have joined to help you create a soundtrack for your travels with their "Best Songs with your Windows Down" playlist.


The Kia Rio has a Voice-Activated UVO Infotainment System powered by Microsoft, which makes your car something like what you would imagine from science fiction movies. The sound of your voice, controlling your car's action. Amazing right? Learn more about that here:

<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

I didn’t need much thinking time to decide which song I was going to submit – my favorite song is "Rain Fall" by A Flock of Seagulls.  Why?  It's such a powerful song that sometimes, depending on my mood, makes me cry.  I only hope that I can be a great songwriter like Mike Score is.  It's just beautifully written and the music with lyrics makes the whole song come alive.

To submit a song to the playlist simply visit Kia Rio on Facebook and fill in the short form, or if you prefer you can submit your choice directly through the Spotify application. So let us know what song you submit and then you can roll the windows down to let the world hear? By the way, don’t worry if you have already submitted your song but haven’t seen your choice yet. It will take some time for them to review your playlist before making it live.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Internet on the go

Internet on the go is something that is available to you. There are many reasons that people spend time on the Internet while they are on the go. For work or pleasure, having a way to connect is an important resource. If you did not have your cell phone in your pocket, you may feel out of touch or unconnected to the world. The underlying problem here is that for many people, having the Internet access to stay connected is just as important has having their cell phone. Without it, you can feel as though you cannot get work done or that you cannot make the connections necessary. You don't have to struggle with this process because many wireless internet providers now offer outstanding services to help you to stay connected. It can make a big difference in the long term with the way you communicate.

There are now companies that offer services to allow you to have Internet access no matter where you go. Imagine begin able to connect to the web without having to worry about the actual hot spots that may or may not be around. These services allow you to transform your current laptop or other device into its own hot spot. That way, you can have access to the Internet wherever you are going or wherever you need to even when others are nearby using most of the bandwidth from a traditional hot spot. This is a simple and effective way to do business, or just to have the connectivity you want to have.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Q&A Search Engine

To find the right answers to your questions, you need to know and trust the place you're getting your answers from. If you're given the wrong answer, then you're no better off than when you started. There are, however, places that may be found on the Internet that offer both the right answers to your questions and get them answered quickly. A community of experts from various fields join together to help enlighten people by sharing their knowledge answering questions. Sometimes the answer to your question has already been submitted and there is no wait time the answer is already there, other times you may need to wait a few minutes (or days) to get your answer.

Some of the more well-known Questions and Answers (Q&A) websites out there are Yahoo! Answers,, and These websites are known and trusted and all work in different ways to answer people's questions. Some, like Ask combine both community-answered questions and searched and indexed questions, and their respective answers, (much like a search engine) found from various sources including, et al. The latter could be called a Q&A Search Engine.

When we compare this to a website like Yahoo! Answers they differ, in that the answers are primarily driven by a community of people submitting answers. There are contributors that are experts and have, or are affiliated to, or work for, companies that do business in the same field as the questions being answered. These types of community contributors of answers are found to be the best since they are experienced in their fields already and simply share their knowledge. Keep in mind, however, that there are also answers that are submitted that are from ordinary people that also know the answer to a given question that submit, but this is also not to say that their answers are wrong.

One way to know if the answer is trustworthy or not is to view who submitted the answer by viewing the user profile and see if they are a trustworthy source. This can be done by viewing some other questions that were submitted by the user, viewing their profile can also give you some insight on the person behind the username, sometimes the Q&A website also keeps track with points (that add or subtract based on people's votes) and, generally, the larger the point score the more the user can be trusted.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

clipix: Organize your family life!

Recently I stumbled upon, a free online tool that users can utilize to organize their lives online. It allows you to save and organize everything you see online so you can come back to it at a later date and view it again!

Clipix is easy to use. Simply drag the “clip” button to your bookmarks bar and now when you see that really awesome new gadgets to get for the holidays, click the “clip” button and the item will be stored on a clipboard. You can name the clipboards and organize them any way you wish.

Now, I have my favorite gadgets sites neatly organized in one clipboard. This helps me save so much time. Whenever I need a cool new gadget to review for the day, I just go to my clipix account and presto I have what I want. This tool is so addicting in a good way.

I also have my vacation ideas, favorite books, etc, etc, neatly organized in clipboards. You have no excuse not to visit and sign up as soon as you can.

They also offer Syncboards that allow you to clip with your friends and family! Anytime someone adds a clip to the syncboard, everyone else you collaborate with will see it in real-time. In addition, they also offer Multiboards!  You can group multiple clipboards by category to stay more organized!

There is even an iPhone App so you can add new clips by taking photos of things you see.

Join Clipix today and start organizing your on-line life.

What would you use Clipix for? Leave a comment.

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