Monday, September 13, 2010

Tastes change as we get older

Here's another off topic subject to get you thinking of something you may not think of too often: Are there foods that you use to love when you were a child that you find gross now? Our tastes can change tremendously as we get older, to the point where we can't even eat foods that used to be our favourites.

For me? I loved pasta, my favourite being good old macaroni and cheese. To this day I still love pasta. However strangely as a child I never liked sweet food e.g cake, ice cream or chocolate. Then as a teenager waitressing I started to crave sweet food, probably after serving customers dessert after dessert. However thankfully I only eat dessert in moderation as I try and maintain a healthy diet.

There are other foods that I didn't like as a child that I have found I quite enjoy as an adult some examples are blue vein cheese and salad.


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