Thursday, September 27, 2012

Apps for Your Gmail Inbox to Enhance Your E-Mail Experience

Gmail is probably the most popular of e-mail clients that is equally appreciated for professional as well as personal use. There are various tips that you might have already used and applied for enhancing your e-mail experience. How about finding out and installing apps that will facilitate in increasing inbox capability and act as tools? Let us find out about five such apps that will act as tools to your Gmail inbox.


Often it becomes difficult to locate that e-mail message amongst host of other messages that seem irrelevant at the moment. Looking or searching a specific message that you need at the moment thus becomes a tedious task. All this is made easy with CloudMagic app. This app facilitates you in searching a specific e-mail message. Additionally looking for documents and contacts is made easy with this app. You can specify within this app the kind of search that you are conducting and within an instant, you will be able to find it. Interestingly this app is also integrated with Twitter and MS Exchange, Office 365 e-mails along with calendars and contacts.

You can install this app or use it online as it is available for free.


Using Gmail for professional purpose makes it easy to communicate but if you are looking for more then you can utilize ToutApp. This is an app that facilitates a user with automated templates for e-mail. This app is supportive of Firefox and Chrome. A user can easily create professional e-mail with pre-defined templates that are available in add on menu. This app allows you to attach documents and recipients in cc with automated functionality.

If you are planning to send an e-mail at a specific time or day then this app helps you schedule it accordingly. Additionally you can even track the e-mail and find out the time when an e-mail is opened by the recipient.

As for the incoming e-mails, you can create groups and set filter to enable receiving e-mails accordingly.

Smartr Inbox

Think about an app that will facilitate you with social interactive tool. Smartr Inbox is one such app that enables in integrating contacts that are available on your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Now you need not log in repeatedly to ensure that all your contacts are added, this app will help you in compiling a comprehensive list of all the contacts that you have on your social media accounts.

Now you will be easily able to obtain the online activity of a contact added via this app. You will be able to view the profile details, e-mails exchanged with the contact and the last message sent to the contact. Additionally you will be able to obtain information on the professional contact in your LinkedIn account. This means that all the required information is available in your inbox without having to log into your specified account on social media.


Operating g-mail in chrome, Safari or Firefox is now more exciting with a new app called Taskforce. You will be able to work more efficiently with this app as it allows you to add tasks that are integrated to the inbox of your Gmail account. It is easy to use without any complicated menu or features; you just need to turn on the Convert for adding or creating new task. This will enable in adding to-do list along with your e-mail message.

As soon as the task is created, it is ready to be shared with your contacts. Interestingly even if a recipient is not having this app in their Gmail inbox it will still work.


It is easier to sync your Gmail with your Smartphone or configure e-mail alerts while you are traveling. Nevertheless, it does seem annoying if you keep getting that message arrival tone every now and then. Turning it off is not the solution as you may loose on vital e-mail that you have been waiting for, neither is checking each and every e-mail is possible. Therefore, the best solution is to get an app like AwayFind. This app alerts a user when a specific or a high-priority e-mail arrives on Smartphone. You can set alerts in various modes like, IM, voice call, notification or Twitter message.

This app is supportive of Chrome and Firefox browsers. Using this app you can easily define the contacts that are important to you so that whenever you receive e-mails from them you will get an alert. You can also flag an e-mail that contains appointment schedule so that you may receive a timely alert about it.

Utilizing the above-mentioned apps will help enhance the capability of your Gmail inbox and make your e-mail experience a much more productive, efficient and enjoyable.

She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones,computer support and more. She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

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