Sunday, September 30, 2012

Low-Cost Windows Phone!

Nokia is on a crusade to get their name back on top with the help of Windows Phone. No doubt you've already heard about Nokia's partnership with Microsoft's new Windows Phone software.

The software is an amazing alternative to people getting tired of the Android - iOS battle already. It's high time someone actually made a software capable being refreshing and engaging at the same time, not just for the sake of being different.

With BlackBerry effectively out of the game, Microsoft has moved in to takes its place in the Big Pantheon of smartphone software greats, and it shows they're here to stay with the Windows Phone.

If you're looking to sell your phone for an upgrade, or if you're in a bind, then the Nokia Lumia 610 is a great phone for you.

The Lumia 610 has average build quality, which is expected for its price range.

The plastic body is very nice despite the materials used. As always, Nokia manages to make durable phones despite the price.

Regarding the shape, it looks very close to its more expensive sibling, the Lumia 710. Both feature a rectangular shape with smooth and rounded corners.
With the Lumia 610, there's a small plastic bottom. At the back, you'll find a removable cover and the 5.0 megapixel camera.

With a phone this cheap, don't be surprised if the screen isn't making use of AMOLED technology or Nokia's other fancy technology.

Despite the standard LCD screen, there's much to like about it. It measures 3.7 inches and you'll find that there's plenty of space for a lot of stuff such as watching movies and surfing the net.

The screen resolution is 480 x 800 which may be low, but perfect for the Windows Phone. Besides, nobody is complaining anyway.

The phone features the latest version of Windows Phone, which is 7.5 Mango. It's very distinct software, which you will grow to like once you sell your phone.
It has Live Tiles that help increase productivity. Live Tiles allows you quick access to apps, contacts and other files right on the home screen without the need to navigate the interface.

Aside from that, you get plenty of stuff to like, such as high - quality apps for Windows Phone.

To list all the features of Mango here in this article will take too much space, so better check out their website instead for more info.

The phone is equipped with a 5.0 megapixel camera that takes nice pictures, but don't expect it to be as good as the high - end cameras of Nokia.

It records in VGA, which is pretty low, but that's expected anyway.

All in all, you'll find that the camera is more than enough, given its price.

With stellar performance in terms of battery life, the Lumia 610 is a great phone to introduce you to the Windows Phone way of life.

It's a cheap phone that has all the things you need. Of course, if you're looking for more, selling your phone for the more expensive Lumia models is the logical choice.

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How Can I Change My Homepage?

Whether you want to change your home page for something more useful or something a little more entertaining, we are going to look at the process of changing it within Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, as these are currently the most popular web browsers. We will start with Mozilla Firefox.

Open up the Firefox browser, in the top left of the screen there should be an orange button with the word 'Firefox' on, click this button to open up the main menu, from there you will want to click the Options button which will open a menu interface. Across the top of this interface will be a number of tabs, select the General tab and there will be an area to type your wanted homepage URL in. Once done click the OK button at the bottom of the menu screen, your Firefox homepage will now be changed.

Next we will look at the Google Chrome browser. Open up the browser and look for the small spanner icon in the top right of the screen, click this to get a drop down menu, from there select Settings. You will now see a list of options to customize the Google Chrome browser, under the On Start up header tick the radio button that says open a specific page or set of pages and then click the Set Pages button, now you can add the URL of the website you want to open on start up. Once you have entered the website simply click OK and exit out of the browser, when you reopen Chrome the home page will be set.

Lastly we will look at how to change the home page in Microsoft Internet Explorer. When you open the browser look for the small cog icon in the top right of the screen, it basically looks like a small circle, click this and select Internet Options, make sure you are under the General tab and just like Firefox you can now type the URL in the space provided. Once done click the OK button and exit out of the browser. The home page will now be set to your custom choice.

With Firefox and Internet Explorer, if you navigate to a website first, you can enter the options in the same way listed above, but instead of typing your custom URL, you can simply click the use current page button, this will set your home page to the current page you are visiting.

For More Computer Guides Please Visit This Link: Restore Registry Windows 7

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Quickly Create Law Outlines With Livescribe's Echo Smartpen

Livescribe's Echo Smartpen has taken my note taking to a new level. I love using technology that saves me time. Time saved means I can get more done - equals me making more money. The Echo Smartpen is one of those innovations.

One of the toughest things about writing your law outlines is writing them. But, if you are like me, then you probably take tons of notes. The problem I had in law school (and still today) is what do I do with all those notes. For the last couple of years I have taken to having one notebook for everything. Then I have pages scanned or transcribed into particular client files. My rationale is that I have everything in one place. I have tried using pen tablets and even the iPad, which I love, but I can never get use to taking notes with these devices. Enter Livescribe's Echo Smartpen.

The Livescribe Echo Smartpen has been in my arsenal now for a couple of months and I really like using it. I'm using the Echo in my daily law practice. And, after using it I think it has real application in a law school environment.

The only downside is that you have to buy their paper for the pen to work. But, that is a small price to pay for the advantages.

One of the cool features is that this pen will record audio while taking notes and actually syncs the audio with the exact spots of my handwritten notes. This has proven to be very valuable. A note of caution here is that I always ask permission to record conversations during meetings. This has been helpful with client meetings. Sometimes I miss something and with the audio recording I can go back and edit my notes. It also saved me one time when an adversary was not completely truthful and I had the audio to prove it.

Most law professors will not let you record their lectures, but the notes you take are yours. Even if the other party does not allow me to record our conversation I still have notes that can be quickly downloaded, categorized, and indexed. And, that is the greatest feature and what I see as a huge advantage when putting together your law outlines.

Once you download notes to your computer they are converted into what they call Pencasts. It is kinda fun to watch a Pencast because it shows me taking notes with full audio. But, what I think is fantastic is that I can search with the Livescribe software for any keyword and it instantly finds all my notes with that keyword. This feature has been extremely handy weeks after a meeting when trying to remember who said what.

I have also been using an app called Evernote and recently upgraded to their Premium service. What is great is that Livescribe Echo Smartpen will upload my notes either from my desktop or from the paper. I know this sounds crazy, but you can basically send your notes to an app like Evernote or even email a colleague the notes you just took. Now, when I first heard this I thought the pen did this with wifi, but in reality the sending is done the next time you sync the pen. This is still a cool feature and saves me from having to remember to send my notes to somebody or upload to Evernote - the Livesribe software does it for me.

I mentioned earlier that the one downside is that you must use Livescribe paper. The paper is kinda like a gps for the pen. There are tiny dots on the paper that allow the pen to know exactly where it is on the paper. When you buy one of their notebooks they are numbered 1 through 8, which is part of how Livescribe categorizes your notes. I have continued my practice of having one notebook and then with the desktop software moving the Pencasts to the appropriate client file. I have a couple of really big clients and they each have their own notebook number.

If I need my notes transcribed, then there is a paid app for that called MyScript for Livescribe. I have not tried it yet, but I can see where I might need it someday. For law school outlines it is probably a must, and will allow you to instantly create class outlines.

For law school, you should use one notebook for each class: Notebook 1 for Civil Procedure, Notebook 2 for Property, etc... In law school, I had a separate notebook anyway for each class. The advantage is that all you notes will be automatically categorized and indexed. Then with the transcription app your law outlines will write themselves every time you sync the Smartpen.

The Livescribe Echo Smartpen has changed the way I take notes by not changing anything. I still take notes like I always have. The difference is that they are now categorized and indexed automatically and I have the audio to fill in the blanks.

My name is Dean Sanchez and I've been in your shoes. Law school is trial by fire, but there is no reason you can't utilize available resources to help yourself along the way. Visit my blog Free Law School Outlines for more tips and resources. Good Luck!

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The Sound of Silence

Regardless of what we strive for, peace of mind is our utmost priority. You can have anything in this world, but what you really need is harmony in life. Such a state of calm helps us think, helps us be ourselves. A life without peace is a journey full of chaos. When the mind is at rest, our personality goes through significant development. We are able to look deeply at our flaws, look carefully at the matters that concern us, and we build the confidence and skill to deal with life in the best possible manner. It is important, therefore, to have this state of tranquility every place we stay.

The reason why most of us lack inner peace is that we have stifled our inner voice under the sound of our surroundings. Hearing is an essential sense and we are exposed to sounds all the time, some being a source of joy while others being a source of irritation. Although there are certain sounds we find most soothing, what we actually crave for is to hear our own voice. Only then can we look at our real selves and find out what our lives are all about.

It can take you some time before you find your inner voice, especially if you have deliberately lost it. It is worth realizing that you can run from your reality but you can't hide from it, and your reality is that you have forgotten who you are. In order to find yourself to find peace of mind, you need to isolate yourself from the outside world.

Your isolation isn't a punishment, it is a process meant for your healing. To have the perfect environment you need to have proper wall noise insulation. While isolated, your home is going to be your sanctuary, and in this sanctuary an optimal level of wall noise insulation plays a vital role. An appropriate level of wall noise insulation can help you block out the unwanted external noise elements. This way, you can deeply concentrate on yourself. It is important to realize that having proper wall noise insulation can also help you preserve the inner environment of your home.

Furthermore, what you can also do is make use of acoustic sound panels. Acoustic sound panels are extremely helpful in creating a peaceful environment, as they help you maintain optimal noise levels in your place. Acoustic sound panels are covering materials which absorb unwanted sounds from external as well as internal sources and therefore, are useful in creating the perfect ambiance. Moreover, acoustic sound panels come in beautiful and elegant shapes and are soothing for the eyes.

This way, you can easily create a suitable environment in your home to begin your search for inner peace.

For more info from Rinda L Martin about acoustic panels or soundproof panels, visit

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Solar Power Income

Everyone is looking for additional source of income especially during this time when prices of commodities continue to skyrocket. If you are living in a suitable place where solar could be installed on your roof, then you have the big chance to make money out of it. These panels will not only provide you with an alternative power source to cut down your electric bills but also rebates, incentives, and bucks from rental fees.

How to Make Income Out of Solar Panels

The rebates offered for panel users can be of great help in lowering the electric bills or probably eliminate them. The incentives are provided by the government in every state of America to those installing solar systems in their businesses or homes.

The rebates obtained from solar can be up to 50% of the installation cost. After receiving your rebate check from setting up your solar system, the money is absolutely yours and you can do anything with it.

Aside from the rebates, another government incentive program for solar panel uses is the 30% Federal Solar Tax Credit. This particular tax credit can be applied to the amount of taxes you owe. It will not be deducted from your earning. Instead, it's a dollar-for-dollar credit for anything you should be paying in federal taxes.

One main reason why the government is providing all these incentives is to convince people to use alternative power source so that the world will not solely depend on the traditional source of electricity which is fossil fuel.

Another reason is to encourage the decrease in price of panels. When a lot of people are purchasing solar panels, there will be additional production from different companies which will surely lower the cost of each unit.

Lease Your Rooftop

Another possible source of income from solar panels is leasing your rooftop for installation of units by various companies that are interested in generating power by means of solar energy.

This method has already been implemented by many people in California. They are leasing their rooftops to companies without any money required in advance for the installation of solars.

Home and building owners, especially those located in areas greatly exposed to sunlight have been making money out of it or savings from not paying the monthly electric bills because they are also allowed to use the solar panels on their roof. Even unemployed individuals having the ideal roof can earn a living out of solars.

Leasing rooftop to solar contractors has been gaining popularity because of the advantages it offers.

Owners of homes and buildings are leasing the available space in their roof to contractors for solar system operation with a corresponding rent that serves as their income.

The system operator will then provide the solar power to utility and receives compensation from the power grid where the electricity is being sold.

The solar contractor can provide the roof owner with different options of the lease, depending on the qualities of the roof.

One option is that the solar contractor will provide the needed materials for the solar system installations and the owner will spend nothing. In exchange, he can make use of the electricity generated by the solar. However, the contractor will be the one to receive the rebate from the government as well as the monthly fees given by the local utility grid for the electricity sold to them.

Another option is that the contractor will provide all the materials and cost of installation, receives the rebate and incentives but will pay the homeowner a monthly rent for using the roof.

The homeowner can also choose the option wherein the solar contractors provide all the materials, but will pay a monthly fee for the usage of solar electricity.

For more information about Leasing rooftop for solar panels and make money with solar panels visit our website

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Apps for Your Gmail Inbox to Enhance Your E-Mail Experience

Gmail is probably the most popular of e-mail clients that is equally appreciated for professional as well as personal use. There are various tips that you might have already used and applied for enhancing your e-mail experience. How about finding out and installing apps that will facilitate in increasing inbox capability and act as tools? Let us find out about five such apps that will act as tools to your Gmail inbox.


Often it becomes difficult to locate that e-mail message amongst host of other messages that seem irrelevant at the moment. Looking or searching a specific message that you need at the moment thus becomes a tedious task. All this is made easy with CloudMagic app. This app facilitates you in searching a specific e-mail message. Additionally looking for documents and contacts is made easy with this app. You can specify within this app the kind of search that you are conducting and within an instant, you will be able to find it. Interestingly this app is also integrated with Twitter and MS Exchange, Office 365 e-mails along with calendars and contacts.

You can install this app or use it online as it is available for free.


Using Gmail for professional purpose makes it easy to communicate but if you are looking for more then you can utilize ToutApp. This is an app that facilitates a user with automated templates for e-mail. This app is supportive of Firefox and Chrome. A user can easily create professional e-mail with pre-defined templates that are available in add on menu. This app allows you to attach documents and recipients in cc with automated functionality.

If you are planning to send an e-mail at a specific time or day then this app helps you schedule it accordingly. Additionally you can even track the e-mail and find out the time when an e-mail is opened by the recipient.

As for the incoming e-mails, you can create groups and set filter to enable receiving e-mails accordingly.

Smartr Inbox

Think about an app that will facilitate you with social interactive tool. Smartr Inbox is one such app that enables in integrating contacts that are available on your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Now you need not log in repeatedly to ensure that all your contacts are added, this app will help you in compiling a comprehensive list of all the contacts that you have on your social media accounts.

Now you will be easily able to obtain the online activity of a contact added via this app. You will be able to view the profile details, e-mails exchanged with the contact and the last message sent to the contact. Additionally you will be able to obtain information on the professional contact in your LinkedIn account. This means that all the required information is available in your inbox without having to log into your specified account on social media.


Operating g-mail in chrome, Safari or Firefox is now more exciting with a new app called Taskforce. You will be able to work more efficiently with this app as it allows you to add tasks that are integrated to the inbox of your Gmail account. It is easy to use without any complicated menu or features; you just need to turn on the Convert for adding or creating new task. This will enable in adding to-do list along with your e-mail message.

As soon as the task is created, it is ready to be shared with your contacts. Interestingly even if a recipient is not having this app in their Gmail inbox it will still work.


It is easier to sync your Gmail with your Smartphone or configure e-mail alerts while you are traveling. Nevertheless, it does seem annoying if you keep getting that message arrival tone every now and then. Turning it off is not the solution as you may loose on vital e-mail that you have been waiting for, neither is checking each and every e-mail is possible. Therefore, the best solution is to get an app like AwayFind. This app alerts a user when a specific or a high-priority e-mail arrives on Smartphone. You can set alerts in various modes like, IM, voice call, notification or Twitter message.

This app is supportive of Chrome and Firefox browsers. Using this app you can easily define the contacts that are important to you so that whenever you receive e-mails from them you will get an alert. You can also flag an e-mail that contains appointment schedule so that you may receive a timely alert about it.

Utilizing the above-mentioned apps will help enhance the capability of your Gmail inbox and make your e-mail experience a much more productive, efficient and enjoyable.

She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones,computer support and more. She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

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You're the Detective With Reverse Phone Lookup

Nothing can be more frustrating than receiving calls from a number that you don't know, only to be hung up on or unkind words spoken. It is a cause for a day of wonder and suspense filling your mind when such calls take place, racking your brain as to who this could be. While this is only one such scenario, a reverse phone lookup can be useful to anyone who needs to answer the "who's calling" question.

How it Works

Reverse phone lookup is simply and easy to use. It is so easy; in fact, even a small child could do it. Simply enter the number in question into the directory online, and within seconds you will have the name of the person whom the phone number is registered too, as well as the address. It is that quick, that simple; to learn any phone number that is calling you. It is amazing how quickly this information can be processed and in your hands, causing you to feel much less stress.

The phone lookup can be used as little or as often as you would like to use it, and can be used for both published and non-published landline numbers as well as cell phones. With a reverse phone lookup you can always find out exactly who it is calling you and never have to worry again, all with a few clicks of the computer mouse. Most services can find landline numbers but fall short when it comes to providing accurate results for cell phones. Not with Reverse phone services lookups. They know all of the numbers, all of the time. Using the reverse lookup can be done any time of the day or night, and from any location with Internet access available. Anytime that you feel the need to learn who is calling you, simply enter the required information and like magic, the details are all yours.

Use it for any Reason

As long as it is legal, reverse phone lookup services can aid you in learning who is calling you for any reason. Has one number called you several times while you were away? Wondering who your kids are talking too? Suspect that your spouse is cheating? All of these reasons are perfect times when reverse phone service can be of assistance to you. No longer must you look for a company to handle your investigative work or spend sleepless nights tossing and turning wondering who is calling you, simply the information that you need, when you need it and get the information you need to get on with life.

Men and women all across the United States have used reverse phone lookup services over the past few years and been quite impressed with the results. Thousands upon thousands of individuals still use it today as they know they can always count on getting accurate information each and every time it is used. Now it is your turn. For any reason, at any time, you can use this service and become your own private investigator- for a whole lot less money, too.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Protect Facebook From Possible Hacking

Facebook is not a new name in social media. In fact, any discussion on social media would be incomplete without a mention of Facebook. It's such a vast platform that almost everyone is on Facebook. And it's not just teenagers, it's people of all ages.

With such a vast audience, it has been attracting hackers from quite some time. There are many accounts that get infected with virus, or get hacked. How do you protect your Facebook account from getting hacked? Here are some simple tips:

Do not open suspicious links
If you see that your friend has posted a suspicious link on your wall, do not just go ahead and click on it. First stop and think- does that friend generally send you links? If not, then this might be a trap. You might want to contact that friend and ask him if he sent you that link. If he says he didn't then it's a virus.

Keep a strong password
Make sure your password has both upper case and lower case letters. Also, it's best to have numbers and special symbols as well. It's a good strategy to change your Facebook password every month. You can also link your phone number to your Facebook account to make sure that your account is safe. If someone tries to change your password, it will send a notification to your mobile device, and you can undo the changes.

Keep a track of notifications
If your account is opened from a different location than usual, Facebook will send you a warning. So make sure you pay heed to those notifications. Any unusual activity is usually tracked by Facebook and reported to you. So if you ever get such a notification, change your password immediately.

Try secure browsing
There is something called secure browsing on Facebook. You can activate it by going to the security settings. With secure browsing on, only selective apps will have access to your profile, so you'll be safe from infected third party apps.

Activate login approval settings
There is a feature in Facebook called login approval. When this feature is set to on, whenever you login from any unrecognized device (let's say another computer), a code will be sent to your mobile via SMS. You have to enter that code in Facebook to log into the account. But for this to work, you need to link your mobile number to Facebook.

Make sure you follow all these methods to have a safe and secure browsing experience. Read a good blog about technology to gain more knowledge.

A blog about technology that provides many technical tips and tricks.

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Is Your Personal Tech Device Alive? How Long Until You Change Your Mind On That Answer?

There is a big debate as to when a computer actually becomes alive. When does it develop its own consciousness? How do you know when that will be? Is it like the definition of artificial intelligence and the Turing Test - being able to fool a human into thinking they are talking to a real person? Because if that is the test, I would say that an Apple iPhone with Siri or even some of these advanced chat bots are already there.

Now then, if you interact with your personal tech device as if it is alive, and treating it as if it is alive or your own personal friend, then in a way you've made it alive in doing so. Yes, this is an intriguing line of philosophy and thinking, and there are two very good books I think you might like to read;

"Simulation and Its Discontents," Sherry Turkle, MIT Press, Boston, MA, 2009, 217 pages, ISBN: 978-0-262-01270-6.

"Evocative Objects - Things We Think With" edited by Sherry Turkle, MIT Press, Boston, MA, 2007, 385 pages, ISBN: 978-0-262-20168-1.

Sherry seems to have been working on these philosophical conundrums for quite a while using her understanding of psychology to interview a multitude of different people on this topic as they use their own personal tech devices, computers, and electronic toys. She's worked with robots that are programmed with human personality traits to really dig into where that threshold lies. That is to say when does your personal tech device, robot, or computer become alive?

Many have said that the answer is; never. But of course, there we go again as you should never say never, therefore I dare to ask you a personal question; how long until you change your mind? And, what would it take for you change your mind on this topic? If you are already talking to your iPhone as if it is a person, asking questions, and getting replies, and the more and more you have a regular conversation with it the more likely you will see it and relate with it as if it was an actual entity.

Surely, you would agree that at that particular point in time judging from our current technological advances in this space, it shouldn't be more than a few more generations of Apple's iPhone series. At the rate they've been coming out with new products that could be as close as just a few years away. Right? Thus, maybe it will be as much as five years away, but it won't be forever, and your first answer just doesn't jive with reality; never say never.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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How to Become Computer Literate

For people who have been conducting business through more old-fashioned means, computers and technology can be intimidating. Putting your personal information into an online and sometimes insecure network can be a confusing concept. However, for those who have even a basic computer literacy, it can make life and business that much easier. Here are some simple steps to take if you would like to become more familiar with computers and technology.

Get a Basic Desktop

There is no point in spending thousands of dollars on an advanced computer system. Oftentimes, the extra costs go towards processing speeds and gaming software. These are things that casual computer users can do without. Instead, invest in a basic yet still reliable machine with a good amount of storage. The processing speeds on basic units are more than adequate for casual users.

Learn How to Use Office Software

While there are a lot of software programs out there, the most important ones help you to make memos, draft bills, and write essays. Most computers have some sort of built in office program that should be easy to use. Make sure that you learn how to use it properly and efficiently.

Learn How to Send Emails

The concept of someone not knowing how to send an email can seem pretty ridiculous in this day and age. But amongst older business owners, it is actually surprisingly common. If you do not know how to send an email, sign up for an account and fiddle around. You should also learn how to attach documents since this can help with business transactions.

Become Familiar with Social Media

People who ignore social media are making a huge mistake. Traditional advertising is becoming less and less relevant in today's society. Instead, people now advertise businesses and services that they love through their social media accounts. You need to learn how to use basic social media so that you can advertise your business and promote any future events.

Get IT Help

If you have purchased a computer and are still completely unaware of how to use it, it might be time to hire a professional. There are IT employees who also do freelancing and they can teach you how to use a computer. They can cut out the trial and error process and simply show you how to use your device properly.

Becoming computer literate does not have to be a difficult thing. It should be looked upon as a tool as opposed to an intimidating piece of technology. Learning the basics can increase your business and your efficiency to previously unforeseen levels. It might be the best business decision you ever make.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Are you located in Los Angeles? If you need IT and Computer Support or require help with computer repair - I highly recommend

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Facebook Has Allowed to Change the Custom Page URL Second Time

As you remember that Facebook has allowed to set custom vanity URL for the Profile and Pages couple of year ago. At first they allowed people to set custom vanity URL and that was for the people who has opened their profile in certain period of time.People was so much excited getting this opportunity.

So much queries came out to know how to set up Facebook custom vanity URL.Later on Facebook lifted the restriction of time period.May be they imposed this restriction to avoid server congestion.You know profile was ugly to see with a big number. On the other hand custom vanity URL is so much attractive,small,good-looking and of-course easy to remember.

Later Facebook also given opportunity to page admins to set custom URL to their pages. But that time there was a limitation and which was you must have 25 fans of your page to set custom vanity URL.This limitation also lifted by Facebook. Now you can set the custom username of your page immediately after creation of your page.

Previously Facebook did not allow page admins to change their pages custom username. So if you had set your page URL wrongly, you had no option to change that name.So you had only option and that was delete your page, loose all your fans and then create a new page, then collect new fans.It was like heart breaking.

Now Facebook allows page admins to change their pages custom vanity URL for second time. Please remember that you can change your Page's custom URL only once. So you have to be careful when you are ready to change the Page's username.

You can change the Page's username by following steps -

1) Log into your Facebook Account.

2) Select your page. Like www dot Facebook dot-com/your page URL.

3) Click "Edit Page".

4) Click "Update Info". After clicking "Update Info" a dialogue box will appear.

5) Click "Change username".

6) After clicking "Change username" you will be guided to change the username.Enter your newly desired name into the box and click "Check Availability".

7) If the new name is not taken yet, it will be prompted to confirm the change.

9) If you like new name, click "Confirm" button. If you do not want to change the current username, then click cancel button.

You have successfully changed Facebook Page's Custom URL.

More articles at Online Tutorial

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Monday, September 24, 2012

The Dreaded Blue Screen Of Death!

If you have ever experienced one of these you know how scary it can be. Immediately you think you have lost everything. After crying uncontrollably for about 10 minutes, you finally calm down and decide you have to do something about this. Ok, what is the first thing the I.T. guy at work always tells you to do when you have a problem with your computer? Reboot. And in this case, cross your fingers. Please load, please load, please load... BSOD! Again... @%$#

Now it's time to get serious and do some real troubleshooting. Before doing any research on the issue, you should consider if anything has changed recently on your computer. Did you add new hardware or software? Usually the BSOD is caused by an incompatible driver or a hardware failure. If you have recently installed new hardware, try removing the new hardware from your computer and boot back up. If it's software that you recently installed or a driver, that's a little more tricky since you need your computer running to uninstall the software. The good news is Windows allows you to do this by starting your computer in Safe Mode. To do this, restart your computer and tap the F8 key repeatedly every second or so until you are presented with the Boot Menu. Choose Safe Mode. In Safe Mode your computer will only load the bare minimum drivers that it needs to run. Once it's running, go to the Control Panel, uninstall the new software, and restart.

If you are running Windows 7, you can try to restore to a previous state. Again you will need to boot in Safe Mode. Go to the Control Panel, choose System, Advanced System Settings, System Protection, System Restore. Make sure to choose a restore point from a date and time when the computer was working. This process has worked very well for me in the past.

If you are still reading this you must still be staring at that ugly blue screen. Now it's time to get dirty. If you are lucky the error message on the screen will give you some idea as to why this is happening. Sometimes it will even list a driver that may be the cause of the problem.

Look towards the top of the screen for a message similar to IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE, etc. Type the error into Google exactly as listed for more information. You should be able to find someone else who had the same error and what they did to resolve the problem.

Luckily Microsoft Windows has gotten better over the years. Windows XP was a pretty solid platform and when they came out with Windows 7 they added the driver compatibility feature that warns you when installing drivers that haven't been tested with that version of Windows.

For more information or if you still need help, visit or send us an email at We are professionals when it comes to computer support and repair.

View the original article here

Saturday, September 8, 2012

VIPRE Anti-Virus review - My Honest Opinion

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of GFI for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you have been a victim of viruses coming from the Internet and you have countless cases of your Windows computer crashing and having the constant need to reformat your system in order to delete the viruses, then you should get yourself a reliable antivirus.


VIPRE delivers comprehensive protection against today's highly complex spyware, viruses, Trojan, Worm and blended malware threats.

I’ve heard many times about VIPRE AntiVirus before but haven’t really had a chance to try it out. Through a campaign at SocialSpark, I installed and gave it a go in my system. I am SO happy to have Vipre Antivirus!  I can already say that it is well worth the money to buy this, since it caught a virus the very first day.  I could not believe it!  Two days later, it caught another one.  Trojan viruses are a total pain for us computer users.  High threat levels scare me, and both times that's what they were.  It puts these trojan virus directly into quarantine, eliminates them, and lets me look at the threat level and other information about the virus.  It has a pop up that tells me immediately when it finds a threat, which is great since I can identify the problem in real time.  It has eliminated MANY instances of malware and adware...too many to mention here.  I like the way it identifies the threats and eliminates them without me having to do a thing.  And it always tells me what it has done. Shoot, all I had to do was download the software, which was relatively easy.  I had a little trouble figuring out where to enter the code after the download, but after I figured it out, it was a breeze.  Vipre ought to be really proud of this antivirus. I know I am proud to have it.  I feel so much more secure being online now.  I was having so much trouble with my computer (or what I thought was my computer) until I installed Vipre Antivirus.  Now I can do searches and it tells me if it is a good or bad site right there on the search results page.


Visit for more info. And I encourage you to give this antivirus a go. There’s a trial version over at their website.

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