Sunday, September 18, 2011

Upromise 10th Anniversary Celebration!

This post brought to you by UPromise. All opinions are 100% mine.

I have been a member of Upromise since my son was born in 2007. Since then, I have accumulated $320 in my account.  That's not a lot of money, especially for being a participant for 5 years. However, it's still FREE money that I wouldn't have received if I didn't join Upromise.

UPromise_Brand_300x250_static.jpg (3 documents)

Could I have accumulated more money in my account? Absolutely, I'm the first to admit that I don't use the online shopping link as much as I should and that I also don't use my Upromise credit card very often. Once again though, it's still FREE money. 

Several ways to earn money:  using the Upromise credit card, online shopping, dining at participating restaurants, registering your credit cards, grocery and drugstore cards, filling up your gas tank at Exxon/Mobile, asking family members to register their cards, etc.

Upromise accounts can be used to pay down current student loans and also gives you the opportunity to help out your local K-12 schools.

To celebrate their 10th anniversary, Upromise is sponsoring the Share Your Dream Sweepstakes, giving flight to eleven winners, enabling them to transform their little dreams into big realities.

To enter, simply submit your dream for your child online for a chance to win the weekly drawing for $1000.

You can also vote for your favorite dreams by “liking” them on the sweepstakes site. The Dream with the most votes on September 29, 2011 will be awarded the Grand Prize of $10,000!  Read the dream wall official rules.

I went to their sweepstakes site,, and shared my dream for my son. My dream for my son is to challenge himself to do the very best that he can. I want him to know that he can become anything he wants, even an “NASA Astronaut” if he believes in himself.

Do you have dreams for your children? Tell me about them here and then submit your dream to Upromise!

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