Friday, January 28, 2011

The Philippine coastguards rescue the missing boat

The Philippine coastguards rescue the missing boat with 5 Americans yesterday in southern island of Dinagat. The boat left Guam on January 6 and its destination is in the island of Cebu. The boat had an engine trouble while travelling on a rough sea. The relatives reported the incident when the boat did not reached Cebu and sought the help of the U.S. Coast Guard who coordinated it with our own coast guard. A Philippine coast guard plane spotted the catamaran on Saturday but could not identify the vessel due to poor visibility. The plane returned to the area after the weather cleared on Sunday and confirmed it was the missing sailboat.

Fortunately, all aboard are fine and in good health condition. Weather condition are very hard to predict these days that's why even some small boats from Luzon, Philippines are also lost in the seas and sometimes found as far as Mindanao or Visayas areas.


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