Sunday, December 6, 2009


If you are talking to yourself silently, then that is not talking to yourself, that's is called "thinking" we all do it, some of us have good control of what we think, others just go with it and let their mind take them place places their body may never go, some of us have crazy thoughts, we allow ourself to believe them and then we end up on medication.

The mind is a wonderful thing, that's why they have some many self help books out there, everyone wants to try to control this beautiful thing, IMO is uncontrollable. shocked

Talking to yourself is just that "talking" to yourself, I do this as well, when I am around other people I may talk very low,like I am playing out my thoughts " I am going to do this first' OR "should I buy this one" I have no shame in talking to myself, as long as I am not talking crazy like some people do, I don't see a problem with it.


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