Friday, December 25, 2009

Have a Wonderful Christmas!

* aubrey
* banicmanic
* Jay
* Loi

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to you all!!

Friday, December 18, 2009


For me, math is my favorite course, I like this course since I was in the primary school, this was because one special teacher, I like him, so I like this course. Later on, I find maths more and more interesting, I spent a lot of time and energy on this course and often got the full marks in maths. I think maths is full of magic things.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Who are yours?

Some are politicians, others are actors, some are musicians. But they aren't always celebrities, some are family, former friends, coworkers or employers.

I'm talking about the people who we don't like so much that the mere mention of their name elicits negative reactions within us. We don't even know most of them, nor will we probably ever meet them. But that doesn't matter, we can't stand them anyway.

Of course there are the universal ones.. Hitler would be among these, but it doesn't take a holocaust to earn a person this dubious status.

Who are yours? Mine are:

Hanoi Jane Fonda
Nancy Pelosi
John Lennon
Bill & Hillary Clinton
Gen. Eric (Black Beret) Shinseki


If you are talking to yourself silently, then that is not talking to yourself, that's is called "thinking" we all do it, some of us have good control of what we think, others just go with it and let their mind take them place places their body may never go, some of us have crazy thoughts, we allow ourself to believe them and then we end up on medication.

The mind is a wonderful thing, that's why they have some many self help books out there, everyone wants to try to control this beautiful thing, IMO is uncontrollable. shocked

Talking to yourself is just that "talking" to yourself, I do this as well, when I am around other people I may talk very low,like I am playing out my thoughts " I am going to do this first' OR "should I buy this one" I have no shame in talking to myself, as long as I am not talking crazy like some people do, I don't see a problem with it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Decision Making

Decision making is a mental process which results in the selection of an outcome among various available alternatives. I am not a good decision maker because though I can see alternatives but to apply mental process is not always easy.

Yes, there must be a course on decision making. In fact, Herbart Simon won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1978 on his theory of decision making. According to him, the most sought after ability for a manager is his ability to take perfect decisions. Even in real life, we always face situations where we are bound to take decisions. I am writing a blog post at 2 AM is my decision over sleeping or reading something.

Here, a proper study may not come into picture but only commonsense and ability to think about own betterment will do the job. I think the attributes that you noted above are necessary but only those stuffs will not make a person good decision maker. In fact, no decision can be said to be perfect. We must remember the existence of bounded rationality. Then again, there is a dichotomy of values and facts. The inherent viasness also affects decision making process of a person.

The task of rational decision making is to select the alternative that results in the more preferred set of all the possible consequences. This task can be divided into three required steps:

(1) the identification and listing of all the alternatives;
(2) the determination of all the consequences resulting from each of the alternatives; and
(3) the comparison of the accuracy and efficiency of each of these sets of consequences.