Thursday, March 14, 2013

Filabot: Going Green With 3D Printing

An Expansion of 3D Printers
Not too long ago the idea of having a 3D printer at home was non-existent, unless you were willing to ante up a good deal of money. Eventually the Replication Rapid-Prototyper or RepRap project took the scene and allowed a vast amount of new as well as old companies to create cheaper 3D printers to fill the smaller printer use demand. These new printers allowed a greater number of people to be able to bring their creations to life without the need of emptying their bank account. The one thing that hasn't got much cheaper; actually printing. This is where an extraordinary college kid is making another change.

The College Kid
Tyler McNaney is a college student who recently discovered the world of 3D printing. He learned about it while surfing the internet on a college break and stumbling upon a video on 3D printing. He spent a good deal of his time learning about it and eventually bought his own. Like many others he realized the high price of the plastic filament used to print the object, roughly $50 per kilogram. Unlike the others though, he was determined to create a machine that could manufacture the plastic filament with everyday plastics found at home. This would allow people to print at the price of throwing away those bottles or previously failed or undesired prints, free!

Filabot Kicked In
McNaney's desire lead him to design the Filabot, a miniature filament producing machine. Like many other ideas, McNaney did not have the much needed starting capital to begin general production of the Filabot. So he decided to put it on Kickstarter and raised more than three times the projected target of $10,000.

Specifically he earned $32,330 and needs to produce 67 units for his investors, which he is very close to if not finished with all of them. The Filabot is a fairly simple device to use. The machine starts of by grinding up the plastic inserted by the user. It then travels, by means of a screw, towards the extruder pipe. On the way the grinded up plastic is heated (not melted) to be extruded in an easier manner. The newly produced filament is wound up on a spool as it exits the pipe. Then you can use it as you wish. Fairly simple, right?

Filabot's Filament
You may wonder what type of plastic can be used or the type of filament that can be made? Well, the Filabot can produce ABS, PLA, HDPE, LDPE, NYLON, and PET. Sadly, if your 3D printer needs PVC you still need to buy it from a filament producing company, since it has the possibility of releasing toxic fumes during the Filabot's process. Otherwise, you can create any of the others by using the designated materials on Filabot's website such as bottles, old prints and even your childhood toy, Legos. Filabot displayed the melting temperature on the website as well. So go green and save your money and the environment.

Change or be passed
McNaney's invention could force filament producing businesses to either lower their price or expect a drastic decline in sales. It may also bring 3D printers to money-stripped houses, businesses or even schools. I know I wouldn't be worrying as much of the ongoing cost of having a printer when I can just reuse prints or save my recyclable plastic. Before you may have worried about bad, useless prints but now I'm sure many of you money conscious 3D printer users out there, will begin to experiment and print at will. Although McNaney is still in school, he is still pushing his business and wants to be able to begin mass producing Filabots in order to help finish off your desktop 3D printing operation. Until then you should start saving those unwanted designs as well as taking a few Legos here and there. Honestly, your kids won't be able to notice a few missing pieces here and there, hopefully.

Quinn Farhessi is a technologist, 3d-printing consultant and blogger

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What Does Disk Defragmenter Actually Do?

The disk defragmenter comes as part of your Windows software. It's hiding in the Start Menu under "Accessories" and "System Tools". The biggest question I get when people find it is "What does it do?" Below we'll talk about what the disk defragmenter does and why you should use it.

Think of your hard drive as a nice, neat pile of papers on your desk. Now imagine what happens to that pile of paper as you add and remove various things during the day. For some the pile may stay more or less organized, but for a lot of people the pile grows and spreads into two piles and then three and so on. Eventually you have multiple stacks of stuff all over your desk. In the office we call it clutter or organized chaos. On your computer we call it fragmenting.

What happens to your hard drive over time is that the data spreads out much like the paper on your desk. You save new files and remove old ones or you edit existing ones. Every time you do this the data moves just slightly. This fragmenting causes your computer to slow down. It starts to take your hard drive a little longer to find things and eventually it becomes frustrating and slow.

Fragmenting happens to every hard drive, regardless of how big or small it is or how much you paid for it. It's easy to fix though. Your computer comes with a disk defragmenter in the Start Menu. Before you run it, make sure you won't need your computer for a while. I often start the defragmenter right before I go to bed. Make sure you turn off all unnecessary software and close all open files. If you're using a laptop make sure it's plugged in. Now run the defragmenter on the C: drive or the drive you use most often. If you haven't done this before or it's been a long time the process can take six or eight hours to complete.

So what is it doing during that time? Well it's moving all that data back into place. Don't worry, it's not pulling that important file out of Documents and hiding it on you. It's just simply moving the bits of data around on the hard drive so that things are organized again and easy to find. The same as you would do if you stacked all that paper on your desk back up. It may even throw some pieces of information out. You see as you save, edit and re-save a file it's is not saved in exactly the same spot on the hard drive every time. It's not anything you would notice, you're still saving in Documents in the same file folder as before. But the computer isn't so it may delete some of those copies that you don't need anymore.

Once the defragmenting is finished you might notice your hard drive makes less noise and files open up a little quicker than they did before. Depending on how much you use your computer you may run the defragmenter as much as once a week. If you're not a regular user you may get away with once a month.

The entire process can be scheduled. When you open the defragmenter it shows you the scheduling tool. Simply select a time of day when you're unlikely to be using your computer. Keep in mind that if you're using a laptop you shut down every night, you'll need to keep your laptop plugged in and on.

Running the defragmenter regularly is one way you can help keep your computer running smoothly. Don't forget to share this article with others you know that may need some help.

Offering computer workshops and seminars for individuals and businesses.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Should I Use Optical or HDMI Cables for Sound?

A common question from a number of our customers recently has been whether to use Optical or HDMI when connecting equipment such as DVD Players, Blu-Ray players and Digital Televisions to their receivers.

Most customers have their Blu-Ray players, Media Players and Consoles linked to their TV via HDMI, but it is also very common for us to see a single Optical Cable running back from the TV to the Receiver. This works - and by works I mean it does send a Digital Sound Output from the TV channels and other connected devices back to the Amplifier. But is this the best way for Audio to be sent to your Home Theatre System?

Horses for Courses

What is suitable for one person or situation might be unsuitable for another. Without trying to get too technical, there IS a difference between the performance capabilities of HDMI and Optical - but these will only matter if the equipment you are using also possesses these features.

Dolby True HD - An Audio Codec which delivers 100% lossless sound for movies or music designed for your high-definition home theatre.

DTS-HD - An Audio Codec for Blu-ray Disc format exclusively. DTS-HD Master Audio has steadily become the standard for Blu-ray lossless audio format.

The two audio formats listed above use Lossless Audio Compression, which basically means that the exact original sound source is recreated from the compressed data source being delivered from your Blu-Ray Player, Super Audio CD or Media Player as examples. To deliver these Audio Codecs, you cannot use an Optical Cable, as the Optical Bit-Rate limit is 1.5 Mbps, while HDMI will carry a lot more.

This is why you need to choose a HDMI cable to connect your equipment if you wish to gain the benefits of SACD, or Blu-Ray with Dolby True HD or DTS HD. You can only take advantage of DTS-HD or Dolby True HD if your receiver supports that codec.

What if my Amp doesn't have HDMI, only Optical?

Optical Cable connections will still transmit Dolby Digital Sound, and, especially since a great deal of installations we have done for our customers over the years are for "Out-Of-The-Box" all in one Home Theatre Systems, they still deliver a more than reasonable Surround Sound result which many people are more than happy with.

However in saying that, there are also many people who can really tell the difference which lossless audio provides over its compressed alternative, and this is why you would need to choose HDMI over Optical when deciding how to connect your Home Theatre System.

The way we see it, and the way we try to explain to our customers is - if your Amp has HDMI, then the best connection to use is HDMI. If your Amp does not have HDMI it might not be worth the expense (to most) to upgrade your whole system, as Optical Cables will still give you a great experience.

It is also true that (so far) soundtracks using Dolby True HD or DTS-HD don't exist in free to air broadcast, Foxtel, Cable or satellite TV. You won't compromise any sound quality connecting your DVD Recorder or Player, Overseas Satellite Dish, or Foxtel Cable box to your receiver with an optical (or coax) cable.

There are other benefits which come by using HDMI too...

The latest HDMI standard, v1.4, adds another useful feature - ARC, or "Audio Return Channel". This basically means that the HDMI cable coming from your Home Theatre System can not only send the Audio and Video Signal to the TV, but it also sends the TV Audio back to the receiver across the same cable. Read our earlier post on ARC here. This eliminates the need for using an Optical Cable from the TV back to the Amplifier for hearing the TV channels through your speakers.

Visit our website blog

Visit our Articles & Features section of our website to learn about Digital TV technology topics such as Refresh Rate, HDMI Cables, differences between LCD and LED technology, 3D Technology and much more.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lenovo IdeaPad Y500 - An Awesome Notebook With Intel Core I7 Processors, NVIDIA Graphics, and More

If you are interested in a good laptop that can handle high-performance multimedia and graphics, then look no further than the Lenovo IdeaPad Y500. This laptop offers processing power and graphics that can handle intensive applications. It's an average sized model with a 15.6-inch display. You can use it as a desktop replacement or a mobile companion. The battery life is approximately three hours.

It's easy to type on the keyboard, thanks to the backlit chiclet keys. Each key features a curve at its lower edge. This makes typing feel smooth and comfortable. The keyboard also features a separate number pad and unique distribution of the FN functions. The touchpad also has an intelligent design. It's optimized for windows 8 and features easy tap, zoom, rotate, and scroll functions.

One of the things you will notice about this notebook is its durable build. Whether open or closed, this notebook is nice and sturdy. The finish is design to repel fingerprints and smudges. The workmanship, overall, is excellent.

This laptop comes with a 3rd generation i7 Intel Core processor. This type of processing power is equivalent to that of desktops. You can count on the processor to be powerful enough to handle all of your needs, no matter how demanding the tasks are.

As for the memory, the IdeaPad Y500 can handle anywhere from 8 GB to 16 GB. You can choose how much RAM you need when you customize your order. Having plenty of memory is important with laptops. Basically, the higher the amount of memory you have, the faster the system will run. Applications will load more quickly and games won't lag as much.

Speaking of games, you can go with a NVIDIA GeForce video card (2 GB). This video card will be able to handle 3D graphics. You can put all of your favorite games on high settings. With an ordinary laptop, you would have to compromise on the game settings in order to run everything. This isn't the case with the Lenovo IdeaPad Y500.

Since this model has a 1 TB hard drive (5400 rpm), you'll be able to store all of the files, documents, songs, movies, etc... you want. If you would like a solid state drive, all you have to do is add the 16 GB SSD model to your order.

When it comes down to it, the Lenovo IdeaPad Y500 is a must-have laptop that you can use for any purpose you want: school, entertainment, communication, work, or general computer tasks. Since it can handle multi-tasking easily, you can use it for multiple purposes if you want. It also offers flexibility, since there are so many configuration options for you to choose from.

Did you know that if you order Lenovo laptops online, you can get exclusive discounts that aren't available anywhere else? Lenovo IdeaPad Y500 discounts will help you save a great deal on your order. There are plenty of savings options available - you just need to know where to look!

To find out more about this computer along with coupons and discounts to make your purchase less heavy on the wallet, visit George's website -

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Is Sony Truly the Arch Rival of Samsung?

Sony and Samsung seem to be fighting for the top position in the technology arena with the frequent introduction of newer and more advanced Smartphones. Recently with the introduction of the Sony Xperia Z, competition seems to have taken yet another step in advanced technology. However the popularity of Samsung Galaxy S III too cannot be denied. Both the phones are hi-end in technology. Here are some of the points that both the masters are vying over each other:


The official announcement of the price of the latest phone by Sony is still awaited. Speculations about its pricing by online retailers seem to be somewhere between $818.90.If we compare it to Samsung, then $708.66 seems cheaper with SIM-free option basis.

Physical Form Factor

The screen sizes of both the phones vary however, the dimensions seem to be identical. Both the phone sports a 71 mm diagonal screen. However, Xperia Z seems to be only 2mm tall with 139mm in screen size. The Smartphone by Sony is relatively thinner measuring 7.9mm as compared to its rival with 8.6mm.

The weight of Galaxy S III is 133grams that makes it lighter than the Sony Xperia Z with 146 grams as the device is covered with glass instead of plastic finish. Additionally, the unique body of Sony Xperia is capable of resisting dust and water.

Screen Size and Resolution

Galaxy S III sports a large screen with 4.8 inches measurement of display. Sony is more bent upon including its phone with the Reality Display screen quality along with a bigger screen size, at 5 inches. This does seems to be the biggest in Smartphones.

Now comparing the resolutions of these two phones Galaxy S3 has 720 x 1280 resolutions. This falls short against its rival with 1080 x 1920. Sony Xperia Z seems to have impressive display with HD quality and high density pixels at 441PPI against its rival with only 306PPI.

Processor, Storage, Battery

Samsung is powered with 1.4GHz Exynos 4 Quad processor and 1GB RAM. The Sony Xperia Z is powered with a processor that is similar to the one used in Google Nexus 4 a 1.5GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 and a 2GB RAM.

Sony gives the option of an inbuilt memory size of 16GB as compared to the Samsung product with three memory variants of 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. However, both the companies offer microSD card expansion slot but Samsung Galaxy S II offers a whooping 64GB.

Samsung has a battery power of2100mAh with a removal option. This allows the user to replace it in case of damage or with a better battery. Additionally, you can easily go for two days without charging your phone with general use. On the other hand Sony Xperia Z is powered with a massive 2330mAh battery. However, there are still no details about how long it will last with HD content streaming.

Cameras and Connectivity

8Mp camera offered by the makers of Galaxy S III seems petty in front of the Xperia Z with 13MP. Nonetheless, both the cameras are capable of a full HD recording with 1080p, Sony however offers Exmor RS sensor for better picture quality. Additionally the Sony Xperia Z gives you 2.2 MP camera with the ability of 1080p video chat quality when compared to the Samsung S III with 720p against 1.9MP.

Connectivity offered by both the Smartphones is equal to sporting a Bluetooth 4.0 version, Wi-Fi dual band, NFC and DLNA certification. Both the phones only have a headphone jack and micro USB ports. Other features include 4G LTE connectivity in both, but you will only find 4G LTE connectivity in few variants of the Samsung Galaxy S III.


The Samsung Galaxy S III is a hi-end Smartphone with lots of features and updated technology that seems to be available at a reasonable price. On the other hand Sony Xperia Z has a good camera quality, massive battery power and performance too is good. It is too early to say which one is better until the Sony Xperia Z is finally launched.

She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones, computer support and more. She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Advantages of Quality Headphones for Workouts

The must-have headphones for music and sport enthusiasts are also known as sports headphones. As this type of headphones has special usage so buyers must know how to choose the right types of headphones. On some rare occasions, you can use the headset the companies provide with the purchase. Sometimes, these headsets are to be bought on the side.

Professional disc jockeys must learn the tricks of playing music using headphones and reading manual selection of sports headphones. First we develop these types of headphones into several categories according to a viewpoint of disc jockeys and then we focus on the elements of these headphones. But prices vary by brands, style and quality. You can purchase headphones from $ 20 to $ 200 so a purchaser must determine the type of headphones you need and how long you intend to use them.

You'll have to read the manual selection of sports headphones to determine whether products are professional or not. However, when you find a high-priced item you should not assume that it is not appropriate for a typical user. Rather you first check the features, and often times you may find something suitable for your needs at lower prices. Among the type of headphones that are more often used nowadays are the ear phones. Let's say you're on a budget, then you could go for these types of headphones.

Tip number one: choose a headset that has 20 Hz and 10 mW of power, or you can get sports or studio type headphones.

Some very high priced headphones can ensure that quality products are made. Specifically, you can use them in discos but you can still hear some noise outside, even if you put the headphones in both ears. You may also buy copies of the manufacturer's original products to save money. However, you should expect that the product is of inferior quality. These headphones cost about $ 70 for premium product. To ensure that you have the right item you should seek for help from manual selection of sports headphones.

As for the professional range, we could talk for days about it. There are more durable, with a higher fidelity, which work best at low or high frequencies and well. You will find various models, but you should choose the ones the Djs are using. Do not be cheap with these products if you expect exceptional sound quality, as you will get what you pay for. However, a good pair of headphones must have at least the following features in the manual selection of sports headphones. The frequency response must be between 6 and 30 kHz, impedance of 20 ohms and a power of 3000 mW. There are lots of headphones to choose from however most of them can offer normal quality of sounds and volumes.

Andy Bryant Nielsen has been a professional DJ and a successful nightclub manager. His love in music has inspired him to write a blog giving out advice on how to choose the best headphones. His favorite product is Sennheiser HD 800 headphones. Read his blog to find out why he thinks they are the best.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Where to Get a Free Email Address

Free email addresses are everywhere these days, but which one to choose? There are so many! Below I'll talk about some of the more popular free email sites out there and how to sign up for them.

1. Hotmail: Hotmail is run by Microsoft. This email integrates perfectly into all of Microsoft's products like MSN Messenger (soon to be replaced by Skype), Bing and the MSN games site. But aside from easy integration with other products and services, having a Hotmail address also gives you access to SkyDrive (free online storage space) and easy access to your email 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

To sign up for a Hotmail address simply go to the Hotmail website click where it says "Sign Up Now". Fill in the information it asks for and click "submit". The hardest part of this process is coming up with a name for your email. You'll have "somename" or "somename" but because Hotmail has been around so long the easy ones are already taken. It's likely you'll be putting in a fair amount of numbers and special characters to find one that's not taken.

Hotmail has terrific up-time and it will integrate with your smartphone nicely. That said it has a very high rate of spam. The junk filter does a good job of filtering most of it, but it's not perfect yet. This definitely isn't recommended as an account for children to have access to, but if you can deal with the spam, it's a good, stable choice.

2. Gmail: This is a Google product and will give you access to all of Google's services and apps. Much like Hotmail you will have constant access to your email and Gmail will work with your smartphone without a problem. Google is also not nearly as prone to spam as Hotmail is.

To sign up just go to the Gmail website and click on the link that says "Create a New Account". Again you'll follow the prompts and have to come up with some name for your account. Your address will be "somename" This can be a difficult process as well because of the number of Gmail accounts that have been created. Just use numbers and underscores to find one that works for you.

3. Yahoo Mail: This is run by Yahoo. The nice part of this one is you can use it to access all of Yahoo's games! It will also integrate with your smartphone and is accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Yahoo hasn't caught up with all the services that Hotmail and Google have, but the email is straightforward to use. You can even use a Hotmail or Google address to sign up with Yahoo and it's available under the Yahoo Canada website which will give you a Canadian email address.

If you're just getting started with email, Yahoo is probably a good choice. It's just email. There is nothing extra to it. It's simple and easy to use and won't overwhelm you with a whole bunch of products or services you don't want.

Most emails, these three included, will ask you for a secondary email in case you lose your password and need to recover it. If you've been using the email that you can get from your Internet Service Provider (ISP), you can use that as a recovery email. The other option is to sign up for two free email accounts so that you have a recovery email for both. If you don't provide a recovery email and you lose your password, it usually means you have to create a new email address.

Once you're signed up all you have to do is share your email with your friends and start using it. Free email is a great alternative to the email provided by your ISP. In the next article we'll talk about the reasons why you should use a free email address instead. Happy emailing!

Offering computer workshops and seminars for individuals and businesses.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just The Touch Of A Screen

If you have ever used a smartphone, then you know about using your fingers to navigate the screens. Whether watching the news anchors use them on TV news or noticing that teachers are using touch displays in their classrooms, it seems that replacing the computer mouse in this way is not only stylish, but it is simple and convenient. With touch screen technology, you can do anything from ordering postage at the local post office, to making choices on a computer screen at the local museum, to searching the internet.

Now, there are computer monitors that allow for touch screen display that make computing easy just by tapping the screen with either an object or your fingers. Windows 8 enables the screen to be used more like a tablet or smartphone. The multi touch monitor lets you use more than just one finger at a time.

For instance, if you want to zoom in, you might use two fingers to make the screen picture spread out or shrink. The multi touch screen monitor makes it easy to do presentations for large crowds as well as simplifying individual computing. What is different about these kinds of screens now, as opposed to when they were first introduced, is that they have the capability to understand and respond to multiple fingers and motions. Unlike a mouse that requires several clicks or function procedures to enlarge a screen or move around a webpage, the new technology is many times just a one tap procedure.

Touch screens have changed the way computing is done. No longer is casual computing done on a large bulky computer. With the advent of smartphones, people have become more mobile. Smartphones have become miniature computers without all of the gadgets that plug into them. Even typing on a keyboard is done by typing right onto the screen. Some people wanted a slightly larger option than the smartphone, so the demand caused the tablet to be invented. Tablets allowed for more serious computing and with a larger screen than the smartphones, but still kept the touch capability that was available.

Now, all kinds of computers can be adapted to the touch screen technology just by having a special monitor and the right kind of software. More and more this new technology will be incorporated into businesses and it will help to improve productivity. Anywhere that the public can be assisted easily with it, there will be a need for it.

Henry is a tech geek -- in the best meaning of the name -- and enjoys checking out all of newest tech gadgets as soon as they're available. For more information on personal touch screen technology used in for computer monitors, tablets and digital kiosks, visit

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3 Tips On When To Buy Green Laser Pointers

Laser pointers have become extremely popular pieces of modern technology which even a decade ago where not nearly as accessible as they are today. If you've ever been in the market to buy a laser pointer then you know there are literally thousands of different options to choose from. When you consider things like beam color, output power, design and safety features, knowing which model will suit you best can be rather difficult.

Here we'll look at three critical tips to consider and keep in mind before you pull the trigger and buy a laser online in particular.

1. True 532nm Green

If you search online you can find green lasers from as low powered as 5mW all the way up to more than 1,000mW (1 Watt) and higher. But there is some discrepancy in the way in which companies measure their lasers so you want to be sure that any power reading is of the specific light frequency nanometer. In other words, if a green laser pointer is 100mW in power it should be measured as 100mW of specifically 532nm green laser light. This is accomplished with high quality lasers incorporating infrared light filters which don't allow any light to be emitted except the desired frequency, in our case here, 532nm green.

2. Burning Abilities

If you're looking for a high power burning laser with the ability to light matches, pop balloons, cut electrical tape and more, you'll need to ensure that the model in question has no less than 200mW of output power. Now, of course the higher the output power the better in terms of generating heat and increasing a lasers ability to burn, but as a standard you'll need 200mW and no less to get the desired effect. Always be careful about reflective surfaces and always use safety goggles whenever utilizing a beam of laser light in this fashion.

3. Warranty Periods

Because lasers are pieces of technology that have been available to the general public for less than 2 decades, it's important to make sure any model or company you're looking into offers a solid warranty period to protect your investment and purchase. As a rule, you should look for 12 months (1 year) warranty as a standard, after all any company unwilling to provide a warranty of this length or any at all, clearly does not have faith in the quality of their own goods. Be sure to look for warranty details and do not purchase any laser without one.

Many of us have seen videos or have been around green lasers in action, especially at night or indoors, and they are truly remarkable. When a small hand held unit can produce such brilliant visuals, it is no wonder lasers steal the show every time when using for astronomy, a presentation, research, search & rescue, and so many other useful applications. Be sure to take your time and do your research, with even just a few minutes online you can find reputable suppliers offering the best green laser pointers you can buy online.

James has written and spoken extensively on the fundamental uses of hand held laser technology in our everyday world. His preferred source to Buy Green Laser Pointers is the sole USA based laser provider where all lasers are infrared filtered and certified for power,

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Are You Frustrated With Your New Mac or Apple Product?

Are you frustrated with your new Mac or Apple product since switching from a PC? Don't give up yet; you're not alone! The Mac is almost like your old PC upside down, and using a new Apple product can be a life-changing event. Not to mention, if you make the switch for work-related reasons, it can be counter-productive at times while adjusting to all the new tools. Moving all your data to the new Mac computer is one of the most painful parts of moving all your files, but very necessary to keep up productivity in your job. This all sounds grueling, but it really doesn't have to be that complicated!

When you first experience problems with your computer, the first thing you might do is look up the answers online. Considering your computer is the root of why you would need assistance in the first place, looking up online help can be difficult or even impossible in some cases. If the problem is so severe, you can take a trip to the nearest Apple store where they are sure to solve the problem for you. However, you could be waiting for hours before you see any kind of help, even if you make an appointment with an Apple expert. You may just be lucky enough to have a Mac/Apple informative book around the house that will help you get to the root of your problems. When your book tells you what is going wrong with your computer, good luck understanding how to fix it with such limited information! While there are plenty of resources for your Mac and Apple problems, the most effective and efficient help is when it comes from a third party Apple/Mac support service.

Depending on your needs, a Mac support service can offer everything from free resources on their webpage to personal help with larger issues. A tech can customize learning sessions to fit your skill level so that you can better understand you Apple or Mac device. If you don't want to hop on the phone, you can take a more impersonal approach by chatting with an expert through their website. A great tech support service will have someone ready at all times to assist you in any way so that you don't have to wait on hold while taking away from your work hours.

If your Mac or Apple device is giving you problems that you can't understand, then don't waste countless hours searching for the solution yourself. Get ahold of a third party tech support service and your device will be up and running before you know it!

In times of need, I was able to count on StartOnMac Tech Support. No matter what time of the day or night, I was provided with excellent service and quick fixes to my Macbook problems at an affordable price. Their Care Experts are waiting for your call or chat session when you needs them, so check them out first the next time your Apple product is acting up!

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lenovo G780 Review - Find Out About This Laptop, Its Features, Configuration Options, and More

The Lenovo G780 is a laptop that comes with great graphics solutions, advanced processing power, and more. You can expect to hear quality sound coming out of the speakers. Use this laptop for all of your entertainment needs, and you won't be disappointed.

It has a 17.3-inch screen with LED lighting. The light renders images in the highest quality imaginable. With a resolution of 1600x900 and anti-glare capabilities, this display is able to deliver crisp text and clear images.

The touchpad is embedded into the wrist rest area. Its matte finish and dotted surface makes gliding your fingers easy. The inputs are precise and multi-touch gestures are detected without any problems. A scroll bar is located along the right edge of the touchpad. If you would rather use a mouse, you can disable the pad with the right hotkey combination.

As for the processor, this system comes with a 3rd generation Intel Core model (2.50 GHz). There is also an option for an i7 processor if you want a bit more speed and power. For the memory, there are 6 GB and 8 GB options available. You get to choose how much RAM you think you'll need.

When it comes to graphics, you can always count on Lenovo laptops to come well-equipped with video cards. This model comes with Intel HD graphics (4000), and if that isn't enough, you can go with a NVIDIA GeForce video card.

There is enough room for up to 1 TB of hard drive storage in the Lenovo G780. The system has a large memory capacity for multimedia data. The hard drive spins fast with 5400 rpm. Save all of your movies, videos, documents, audio files, games, and more, with plenty of room to spare.

Another great thing about this laptop is that it stays cool for the most part. It doesn't overheat like a lot of other laptops do. All of the vital areas, including the bottom, sides, and the touchpad area stay relatively cool.

Stay connected to everybody you know with the built-in high definition webcam. Whether you just want to chat with friends or have business conferences with colleagues, you'll find that the webcam can handle sound and video in high definition. The webcam can also be used for security purposes, thanks to the face recognition sign-in technology.

The Lenovo G780 is obviously a great laptop that comes with everything you need for handling most tasks. The price varies depending on how many Lenovo coupons you are using and which configurations you choose. Overall, you can expect to get a great deal on this notebook.

Before you place your order, be sure to look over Lenovo G780 coupon offers. You never know what savings opportunities might be available. This is a must-have laptop, so be sure to make use of any promo codes you come across.

To find out more about this computer along with coupons and discounts to make your purchase less heavy on the wallet, visit George's website -

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One City Had Several Returns for Each Type of Personal Tech Device In Their Product Line

Every time I read an online review for a personal tech product I just cringe, and I must say I am skeptical regardless of who is reviewing or what they've said. Indeed, I'm sure you've heard by now that there are algorithms which can predict which product reviews are false, and which are legitimate. Unfortunately much of their strategies have been described in the personal tech news, things such as the real reviewer uses more of a personal voice rather than second or third person. Of course, those who are writing fake reviews are now adjusting them to look more like real reviews.

This reminds me much of a cat and mouse game, good guys and bad guys, and the way in which militaries of the world try to one up their enemies with the greatest technologies of the time. Still, that's not the only problem, another one has to do with integrity level of the reviewer. How can you trust someone who is reviewing a product who lacks ethics and integrity?

Not long ago, I was consulting a small personal tech company, and as I was going through their information of product returns, as we were working on a Six Sigma process strategy, I was quite concerned with a couple of cities which had a high returns. One city had exactly 2 returns of each and every single personal tech device in their product line. This was consistent over a three-year period.

Now mind you, this was very rare for the company to have any returns, but to have exactly 2 in the same city over and over again made me stop and wonder if there was really something wrong with the product, or if people were using the product for a couple of days and then returning it. Was there a competitor, or a designer which wanted to survey these devices, and then take them back to the store? Well, the curiosity got the best of me - perhaps I should have been a CSI type crime investigator.

Anyway it turned out there were two individuals in the same city who were competing in the product review categories for personal tech devices online. Each one of them had a blog, and the corresponding blog posts matched the dates of purchase and returns of these products within two-days of each other. In other words these product reviewers were buying these personal tech devices, trying them out, and then returning them.

That's all fine and good, but the company would have sent them devices to test without causing conflict at the retailer. And on the first point; how can you trust someone who would pull such an underhanded trick with such lack of integrity to fairly review any product - yours or the competition? Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Business Topics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Development Of Portable Timekeeping

Timekeeping is an honoured part of human development. The ability to track and judge time is essential to creating detailed systems of production and organisation, so people throughout history have consistently applied their technical know-how to keeping time more accurately and reliably than ever before.

The technology began with the advent of sundials, casting a shadow to indicate the location of the sun and measure time with a capable degree of accuracy. The technique was clearly limited to daylight on clear days, though was refined into a highly effective device over thousands of years. The earliest instances of the sundial were the obelisks, dated to around 3500 BC. The ancient Greeks are considered responsible for refining the form of the sundial, a process occurring from 560 BC onwards when Anaximander of Miletus introduced them to the empire.

Where possible, mankind strived to pull away from the light-sensitive and stationary sundials into more portable methods of short-term timekeeping. Candle clocks functioned after the discovery and production of wax that would burn in a reliable manner. The candle would burn down next to a system of markings, each indicating an amount of time. The first reference to a candle clock was in 520 AD China, though they also saw regular use in European churches.

These devices were clearly limited by their single use capabilities. The next major development in personalised time keeping came in the form of hourglasses. They were introduced to Europe around the 8th century, though weren't recorded as commonly owned devices until the 14th century. They originated among medieval European sailors, where limited stores and the movement of the ship rendered sundials and candle clocks ineffective and quickly obsolete.

Hourglasses coincided with a public desire for personal methods of timekeeping. European society was heavily centred on religion, and this was around the time when churches began to employ large water clocks, as well as early mechanical clocks, to set their ceremonies on strict schedules. As a cost-effective way of keeping to these schedules hourglasses exploded in popularity, becoming smaller, discreet and more practical until individuals could carry one with them, for timing labor breaks and cooking.

In the 16th century technology advanced to the state of allowing portable, mechanical watches. Watch building was often seen as a skilled art, and being able to create an accurate product at smaller sizes was a sign of achievement, and clocks were often given to the nobility as gifts. Early proto-pocket watches were contained in cylindrical brass drums, worn around the neck. In the 17th century the waistcoat was introduced to England, and watches evolved into flatter, rounded shapes in order to fit into the newly accessible pockets. The 1700s saw watches decrease in price, becoming readily accessible to sailors and the poorer classes.

Finally, the late 1800s saw portable timekeeping transform into something recognisable today. The military began strapping watches to leather wrist straps, in order to free up their hands and easier co-ordinate tactical engagements. These positive reviews among the military helped create a consumer following, and early 1900s watch companies began releasing wristed variants based on military testimony which fast became the dominant style among consumers.

Surprisingly, the advent of smartphones has driven consumer demand in the opposite direction that it historically took. Now watches are increasingly becoming indulgent status symbols, compared to the trend of increased distribution they enjoyed in the past.

Timekeeping and garden clocks aren't Alan Cray's strong points in writing, but with the help of he was able to get the information he needed and ensure he put it into his article in the correct manner.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Preview: Mailbox App for IOS Users

The first thing that an iPhone user does is utilize e-mail services and check e-mail messages on their default e-mail client, Sparrow or on Gmail. These are the standard apps for e-mail. However, it is not just about getting all your e-mails in your phone Inbox that you earlier used to check on the desktop, it is more about organizing messages, features and ease of use. Recently the news media has been brimming with the Mailbox app for iOS users. It is said to be designed to make the life of an iOS user easier with better features.

Let us find out if the Mailbox app indeed delivers what it claims:

Mailbox Vs Other E-mail Apps

Sparrow has long been dominating the iOS devices and used as the default e-mail client. The intuitive gestures and display of the Gmail labels has what made it popular amongst Apple users. Additionally, the ease of managing accounts and adding pictures to each account contact is what makes it fascinating. It is all about personalization and the ability to customize things that makes it easy to deal with.

When we compare it with the latest app called Mailbox, it seems to be a lot different from Sparrow. The first thing that you will notice is the missing lists of Gmail and the swipe functionality that enables in sending messages to the Gmail list. Another thing is the adding of pictures to contacts that is again missing. There is no multiple e-mail selection as well. Nonetheless, Mailbox is made to deal each message individually against these former apps that display messages in inbox. Additionally each conversation is displayed as a thread within an e-mail that helps keep track of a conversation.

The best part of the Mailbox app is the ability of scheduling a single feature with various options to organize messages. You can easily sort each message as you receive it in the Inbox. The best part is the Snooze that allows the user to swipe a message in the Inbox to read it later. As soon as you 'Snooze' a message, it is moved to another folder for the time being. If you have set the time for reading the message after 1 hour, then the message will again arrive in your Inbox exactly after an hour. This way you can organize each message and read it later on. Additionally, you can read message on priority and according to your preferences.

You can also organize your e-mail by a swipe to add it to separate lists like, 'To watch', 'To read' and 'To buy'.

Is Mailbox the best?

Mailbox as you know offers you the opportunity to 'Snooze' an e-mail message on its arrival. This has got both advantage and disadvantages. You might forget to read it for the time being. This way you can conveniently put off most of the e-mails that you do not wish to answer or read in a separate folder for a long time. Nonetheless, this tool can be used according to the convenience of the user for either organizing messages for reading it later or for de-cluttering Inbox by sending selected messages to another folder. It all depends on how you want to use it.

She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones, computer support and more. She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

What to Do If Your Computer Does Not Start

1. No Access to the Keyboard During the Boot Process?

Help, I can't access my keyboard at boot!

If this is the case, I would recommend:

1-1. If using a USB keyboard, plug the keyboard into the primary USB ports on the back of the computer (on the motherboard). Restart the computer and try again.

1-2. Try another known working USB keyboard plugged into the primary USB ports on the back of the computer (on motherboard). Restart the computer and try again.

1-3. Try another known working PS/2 keyboard, restart the computer and try again.

1-4. If using a PS/2 Keyboard, try replacing your keyboard with a USB keyboard, restart the computer and try again.

1-5. If these steps fail, remove your keyboard connection and shut the computer off with the power button. While computer is off, plug the keyboard back into the computer and start the computer.

Still doesn't work? Please go to "I need to flash my bios" section and proceed with flashing your bios.

2. Does Your Computer Freeze at Bios?

Why is my computer frozen?!

2-1. Remove all devices from your computer including removable hard drives, additional USB devices, and printers and faxes. Restart the computer and try again. If no result, go to step 2-2.

2-2. If you can see your bios screen, please tap the key to go into your bios settings. While inside of bios, make sure that your hard drive, memory and video card ( is applicable) are detected. If it is not, try re-seating or replacing the unit that is not being detected. If no result, go to step 2-3.

2-3. While looking in bios and all of your hardware is getting detected okay, please reset the bios back to its default settings and choose "save and quit." The computer will restart and you should be looking at the operating system loading page at this point. If no result, go to step 2-4.

2-4. Open the computer, remove all but 1 memory module (usually closest to the CPU) and disconnect all hard drives. Also disconnect and PCI or AGP add on cards and start your computer. If you see "operating system not found" or a similar message, progress has been made. Then start adding back 1 item at a time, restarting the computer after each item to see when it fails.

If these steps still won't work, please proceed to the "I need to flash my bios" section.

3. Computer Beeping Noises on Power Up

No data on screen and computer yelling at you?

3-1. If your computer is beeping at start up and you are not seeing anything on your screen. There is a hardware problem with your computer. Please check your motherboard or computer manufacturers website for bios code meanings. If this is not possible, first thing to try is remove all sticks of memory except for one, restart your computer and try again. If no result, please go to step 3-2.

3-2. If removed and tested all memory, please disconnect all internal connections EXCEPT for Power supply connections, Video card connections and the Power switch (PSW). Also leaving 1 stick of memory, heatsinks and fans plugged in as well, restart the computer and try again. If no result, please go to step 3-3.

3-3. If you have a video card installed and have on-board video as well, please remove the video card and the power connection to that card. Hook the video cable to your on board video connection. Restart your computer and try again. If no result, go to step 3-4.

3-4. If the beeping still exists, Try replacing the memory with a known working module. Restart the computer and try again, if no result, please replace the motherboard and try again. If still no result, go to step 3-5.

3-5. If beeping still exists, replace the processor and add only the necessary connections ( Power supply connections, Video card connections and the Power switch (PSW). Also leaving 1 stick of memory, heatsinks and fans plugged in as well ). Start the computer and try again.

Note: If all steps do not work, please review the steps one more time, if the computer is still beeping at start up, please contact a local computer repair technician.

4. Windows Was Unable to Start?

unmountable volume, windows did not start successfully?

4-1. First you should try "start Windows normally." If this does not bring you back into Windows, move to step 4-2.

4-2. Choose the "Use last known good configuration", you should be able to boot back into Windows at this point, if not proceed to step 4-3.

4-3. Choose "Repair" as an option and let the computer go through it's motions, your computer may restart a couple of times in the process. You should now be able to get back in to Windows, if not please proceed to step 4-4.

4-4. You will need to boot from a Windows installation DVD or boot-able USB with the installation files on it. Make sure to press the adequate key at bios to view / change boot options. Boot the DVD / USB, choose repair and then choose your Windows installation directory. If prompted with a command prompt, type "chkdsk /r" and then press enter. If no result, move to step 4-5.

4-5. If another computer is available, please remove the hard drive from the affected computer, insert the hard drive into the working computer as a slave ( making the proper jumper configuration change on the primary and slave drive). Then boot into Windows using your known working hard drive, then try and recover as much personal data as possible and store it on the known working hard drive. If another computer is unavailable or this does not work for you, please proceed to step 4-6.

4-6. Attach a removable storage medium ( removable hard drive ) Boot to a recovery software utility or Live CD using your DVD drive or USB drive. A few of these utilities are Hiren's Boot CD, Ultimate Boot CD, Knoppix and Ubuntu. Access your hard drive from this utility and back up all of your personal files and information. Then safely remove your removable hard drive, restart your computer and hit F11 or ctrl + F11 repeatedly if you have a factory installed windows recovery partition. Or if you have a DVD Windows installation disc insert this disc at start up. Choose the "install" option and install over your old broken Windows installation.

Note: If the above will not work, please contact a local computer repair technician.

5. I Need to Flash My Bios!

Bios corrupted, acting strange?

5-1. Obtain your bios compatible files. Most of the time, you can get these files from the manufacturer's website. Just search for the files on their website using your model # of you computer or service tag.

5-2. Create a boot-able floppy drive with your bios files. Then manually copy the bios files onto the floppy drive, eject the floppy drive and insert it into the troubled computer and start the computer up. Press the specific key to access your boot menu when the computer is starting up, choose your floppy drive. If everything goes to plan, you should see a command prompt. Follow your manufacturers instructions on how to flash the bios. If you do not have a floppy drive, proceed to 5-3.

5-3. Create a boot-able USB with your bios files on it. One utility to get this job done would be HP's USB Storage Format Tool. Then manually copy the bios files onto the USB drive, eject the USB drive and insert it into the troubled computer and start the computer up. Press the specific key to access your boot menu when the computer is starting up, choose your USB drive. If everything goes to plan, you should see a command prompt. Follow your manufacturers instructions on how to flash the bios. If you do not have a USB drive, proceed to 5-4.

5-4. Create a boot-able DVD with your bios files on it. When making your iso, copy the bios files into the ISO before compiling. Burn the DVD, eject the DVD and insert it into the troubled computer and start the computer up. Press the specific key to access your boot menu when the computer is starting up. Choose your DVD drive. If everything goes to plan, you should see a command prompt. Follow your manufacturers instructions on how to flash the bios.

Note: If you are not able to flash your bios, you may need to contact a local computer repair technician.

Owner @ Dave's Computer & Console Supporting self computer repair and lending a helping hand along the way.

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Compare Mobile Phones Based on Five Factors

No matter its value-added features, a mobile phone rises in prominence from among a crowd of wannabes and similarly designed products because of five fundamental factors that affect a buyer's decision. These factors include the phone's standard and value-added features, the price tag, the mobile plan attached to it, the phone's flexibility and expandability, and the phone's hardware.

Standard and Value-Added Features of a Mobile Phone

Naturally, the discriminating buyer would want a mobile phone with all the standard features. These basic features include a body that fits an average person's hand, a clear display screen, an alphanumeric keypad (touchscreen or real), good quality audio for music and voice calls, a powerful antenna (internal or external), and a durable casing that can withstand most shallow drops and fine rain. Honestly, the touchscreen with a high-resolution display isn't as equally essential as the phone's capacity to store data. Also, Wi-Fi connectivity may be important now because of the expensive data rates for mobile broadband, but the Bluetooth feature should be gone by now.

The Price Tag Makes a World of Difference

We often use our phones for calling, texting, web surfing, listening to music, taking pictures, or playing games. When a phone has more value-added features, such as GPS for automatic geo-updates to Foursquare or a capability to playback DivX movies in HD, expect the price tag to shoot through the roof. These features are great! We have fun exploring different apps and we enjoy interacting with the software. But, these do not contribute to the essence of a mobile phone, which is a communication device for making voice calls rather than surfing the web or playing games.

Beware of Plastic Parts Inside a Mobile Phone

If you have the money to spend, then you're lucky to have the means to get the kind of phone you truly wanted. However, when you're coping with a restricted budget, turn your attention towards the lower end of the market where many phones also have the same features you're looking for, but you know their internal hardware may not last a year or even less. The best choice for an inexpensive phone is from middle-level brands that offer durability and full functionality, but at a price that's lower than branded units.

The Mobile Services in a Phone Plan Must Bring Value to You

Many buyers choose a phone brand because of its design and popularity, and the high-quality features of the phone are just icing on the cake for these phone users. However, for the individual with a deeper appreciation of the level of technology we're enjoying today, a mobile phone isn't just a device, but an essential part of his or her workday and lifestyle. This is where the kind of mobile services you have in your plan bring more value to you as a mobile phone user. After all, a phone without Wi-Fi connectivity becomes a useful device for connecting to the web when its mobile plan also has data services.

Flexibility of Design and Expandability of Phone Features

Some brands of mobile phones restrict their users' ability to tweak their unit's internal system and turn it into a more powerful version of its former self. Proprietary operating systems for mobile devices, such as Apple's iOS, Blackberry's RIM, and Microsoft's Windows Mobile, run smoothly as they are with a less complicated user interface that's perfect for non-techies. However, for geeky phone users with a love for Linux or Unix-based systems, an Android phone always presents a world of exploration. They can spend hours rooting, flashing, hacking, and tweaking their phones or tablets until they're satisfied with the way the device performs and the additional functions they've installed within.

Another area where phone buyers may be looking at is the opportunity to expand a phone's data storage through a microSD slot and increase its usability via a Micro USB port and connector. A microSD disc is a small square chip that's inserted into the slot and functions as a portable drive. With this chip, a phone's storage capacity can be boosted up to 3 GB or more. Meanwhile, a Micro USB port is where you insert a short cable with its corresponding micro plug at one end and insert a normal-sized USB plug at the other end to a USB 2.0 port on a laptop or desktop computer. Through this connection called tethering, you can convert your smartphone into a wireless router.

Making a choice when you compare mobile phones depends on which factors you hold with greater importance than the others. If you put price above all else, then you'll likely select a less expensive phone rather than splurge on the latest model from a popular phone brand. When you already know what you want in your mobile phone, check here to compare mobile phones from leading mobile service providers and phone retailers in Australia.

View the original article here

VHS to DVD Lab - How to Prevent Loss, Damage, MixUps

Handing over your precious home videos for transfer to DVD can be worrisome. What if it gets damaged or lost? Before yo hand over your memories media to a video transfer lab, visit the lab, ask or just observe for these 10 points:

1. Is the video transfer work done on-site? This is what a good video transfer lab would say:

All of our work is done at the same location where you left your old Super 8 film or VHS Tape. It never leaves the building until you pick them up

2. Is every item ID'd and tagged? Here's what a good lab would say:

Ever item and project is given its own job and item number. So even if your 8mm looks like every other 8mm, you can still be sure that you are returned the one that's yours.

3. Is your workplace organized? Don't ask, just observe.

Look around you, is every job in its own bin on a shelf designated for whatever type of media it may be? Or are tapes and film, photos and slides lying in stacks that are tipping over. Are order forms neat and organized or hand-written scribbles?

4. Is every job tracked with a barcode? Give bonus points

If you see barcode tracking, this helps us to make sure your tapes are constantly tracked. If for some reason your VHS to DVD fall in the cracks, a barcoding system will alert the lab.

5. Is every item counted and recounted? A good lab is obsessive-compulsive about counting.

Of course you want to get back all of your tapes or photos. You also don't want to get anyone else's. If you give them 8 tapes, you want 8 tapes back, not 7, not 9. A good lab counts whe you bring them in and recount them when the project enters the transfer lab, and again when the project is done and the media is handed back to you.

6. Do you see any open beverages? You won't in a professional vhs to dvd transfer lab.

No matter what the beverage is, even if it's just water, it must be capped at all times. Liquid damage to your media is not an option.

7. Do you see any open trash bins?

You may be wonder what opent rash bins has to do with safety. Because it's so easy for your precious media to fall into one, that's why.

8. Are they gentle with your fragile media?

Or are they rough? For example, do they put extra protection for fragile photos, SD cards, hard drives and loose slides?

9. Are completed jobs labeled clearly?

Often, right from the front desk, you can see the lab's completed jobs in brown or white bags. Are these bags labelled clearly so there's no mix-ups when a customer picks up her VHS and DVDs?

10. Do they confirm ownership?

Lastly, when you pick up your tapes or photos, do they take the contents of the bags out and ask you to visually verify ownership. This is serious, what if you walk away with someone else's VHS/VCR tapes by mistakes. You don't want their memories, and they don't want your memories.

Your precious home movie tapes are irreplaceable, asking these questions and observing for the above safety procedures is well worth it!

First time transferring VHS tapes to DVD? You can find tape-transfer how-to videos at

Maurice Sheinfeld has been transferring VHS tapes to DVD at a video transfer lab in Newton, MA since 1986.

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

All You Should Know Regarding IP Whois

Nowadays, it is possible to find a wide variety of online tools. The huge advent of innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies are making possible everything, even those things that seemed inconceivable. Individuals can use tools that are safe and convenient in every way. How about looking onto one of the most popular tools for businesses, service providers and online users? This is when IP Whois comes to play a relevant role in the online world. This will allow users to get data about a specific IP address. Keep reading and discover why you should look onto this option.
Who can gain advantages from this tool?

In case you didn't know, this is not really and alternative but pretty much a necessity. Anyone can benefit from this in a variety of ways. Thereby, it is more than a tool for mere fun or leisure. Both, website owners, website researchers, developers and domain name buyers can get advantages from IP Whois solutions. Even SEO (search engine optimization) experts and internet marketing specialists can benefit from this tool.

What benefits can you get?

A IP Whois address will immediately enable users to reach additional information of a specific IP address. Thereby, this is a comprehensive tool in every sense. Not to mention, you will get accurate data for certain. Get ready to get the following details:
- Sever name.
- Contact details.
- Server location, such as country, city and zip code.
- Traffic statistics.

All in all, this will provide you with the address owner's data. Results display the number of IP addresses that are in the same block. Make sure you get rid of doubts to get maximum benefits out of this tool.

Many individuals are still debating about specific matters. If you are wondering whether this is worth it or not, you might want to prove it on our own. While some people think an IP Whois is unnecessary, it can significantly change your business productivity. For instance, it will allow you to spot traffic details. If you wish to determine the best marketing path, this will help you identify and analyze your niche. You must get to know where your traffic is coming from. Hence, you will then follow the most appropriate online marketing campaign.

If you need to provide content translation, you might as well do it according to the language used by potential clients. Target customers are your top priority. Keep this in mind and walk towards online abundance. Last but not least, IP Whois will allow you to identify existing scammers. Thus, you will be able to stay away from unscrupulous individuals. Prevent online hacking and scams.

Find more information about What is my IP

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Friday, March 1, 2013

Tips to Sync Facebook Contact Information on Your Apple Device

According to Apple its 100 million+ users are now running their devices on iOS 6 which is the latest OS version available. The latest introduction of features provided by iOS 6 is Facebook integration allows the user to easily post updates, upload photos and videos from their iPhone. The other advantage of Facebook integration is that it has a huge amount of contact information that you can sync on your iPhone including addresses, contact details and e-mail ids.

Let us find out how to sync contacts in Facebook to iPhone powered with iOS 6. Additionally, if you are still running your device on iOS 5, these tips would be equally helpful in the process of syncing.

Steps to link your Facebook account contacts to your iPhone iOS 6

When you are running your iOS 6 based device, it becomes relatively easier to link your Facebook account. Apply the following steps for syncing:

• Tap on Settings option and then scroll down to Facebook
• Tap Facebook and login with your username and password
• Tap the button of Sign In, the process of syncing your Facebook contacts will begin. Soon your contacts will be displayed in iDevice, this will additionally include your Calendar information.

The Settings button will enable you to create settings for receiving or disabling alerts related to messages and chats. If you want to change the settings for other notifications, then you will require accessing the Facebook app.

Steps to link Facebook with your iOS 5 iPhone

If you are still running on iOS 5 and have yet to upgrade to the latest iOS 6 version, then you need not worry. You can still sync the contacts of your Facebook account on your iPad, iPod touch or iPhone.

The Facebook integration is only possible with iOS 6, the iOS 5 is devoid of it. However, you can utilize an app to integrate your social media account on your device. Download the Sync.ME app which is available for free on the Apple App Store for your Facebook. This app enables in importing your contacts from Facebook including other information like status, birthday, addresses and more.

Steps to remove Facebook contacts from your device

Even after creating a Facebook profile, some people might not update it for a long time. If you have recently changed your phone number then the information in your account would be obsolete. Additionally, you will not have the most popular e-mail clients like Gmail or Yahoo as a default client which is also quite annoying. Nonetheless, if you have not hit the update button for information update then you will be easily able to remove your old Facebook information from your device.

Apply the following steps for removing old information:

• You were only subscribed to the information in your Facebook contacts so first you need to disable it. Tap the Settings app and scroll down to locate Facebook and tap it.
• Go to the option: 'Allow These Apps To Use Your Account'. This section will reveal your contact list, slide to turn it off.

As the process of removing the old information starts off, it might take some time. As soon as the process is complete you can again feed it with the latest information on your iPad or iPhone.

She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones, computer support and more. She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

View the original article here